Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

Good Mornin... So hopefully back on track... I need to get my backside focused again :)

Hopefully Im going to the wedding dress shop again on sat to try again and pay a deposit....woooooooo lol

So I am hoping for a loss next monday...

Right well we are going to the London Eye tomm and then summat to eat - hmm this will be fun!?!?
It is yh defo!

Its well exciting, Im going to the wedding dress shop again to see if I still like that one and go from there!

I cant believe how quick the 6 mths have gone since started arranging :)
i cant wait lol

had a bad day food wise tho :( well 2 slices of pizza n salad from pizza hut..

Well Good Evening All!

How are you doing this fine bank holiday? We went to the seaside!! Ramsgate, was nice.. Went with pauls family :)

Am home now and am gna be focused as of tomm, AF is here and my god she played havoc with me last week!?! I was so naughty!!

Anyhoo STS again this week - not too bad as been bad and * week :(

The funeral of Pauls nana is next monday, woooo!! My parents are back home on sat and I cant wait - has been a stressful week at mums - aint looking fwd to my kids becoming teenagers!

I paid the deposit for my wedding dress and tried another on - which was boooooooooooooootiful but my original was better - Im so happy it is done :)

Oh well... ill be back now and you can all keep me on track lol


Well I aint eaten muh today - few digestives with a cup of tea as been out etc but Im having chicken and veg for dinner and maybe few pots??

I dunno whether to have gravy or not?!!?
Oh and Im so sick of not being at home!

I love staying in the house but the lodger that comes with it is seriously getting on my nerves!?x

I have been swimmging at 8.30 this morning, playgroup then I walked to the shop So feeling motivated

Gonna start food lists again!!

So heres a loss this week?!?
Dinner was lush and Im feeling really positive! Just hope it stays that way

So please ladies keep me on track! Im a lb away from the next stone down and I really wanna see it soon!?x
Good Afternoon All Fellow Losers (Weight ones obviously!!)

Hope all ok??

Well I been park today and run around after my iccle one - heres hoping that helps lol

Feeling positive at the min - hope it lasts and monday ill boost me a bit!!!

I had summat else tyop say but have forgotten :????
ha - I had one of those blank moments earlier today. I put it down to doing 5 days work in 4 days and my brain is over worked!! :D
I blame me kids - they are sending me nuts!!!
But you would'nt change them for the world!!!!!:D:D:D

wouldnt I??

I have been house sitting for my mum as been away and had my teenage sisterhere - OMFG I could string her up!!cx
Have you remembered yet?! x
Hmmmm in a word No!!

Iv been so good and jumped on scales this morn (oooooooooops) and iv lost nothing! Im fed up! All I want is a lb to shift!! lol