we have Sky+ and i love it, can record things i usually miss and when wer'e watching something and the kids come in to gab we can pause it instead of missing the best bits. xxx
Cheers sweetie... I cant shift but dunno whether to mail them in advance and warn em or just go and go from there? I have to video this week too
Its crap! x
I got the lurkie on Tuesday but thankfully it only lasted 2 days! Probably helps that I dont smoke too. I am sure that Chinese will help you to feel better babe x
I am having a kebab and I am jolly looking forward to it. Havn't eaten much all day cos been busy!
I have often had a Chinese on a Friday night, then have been good Sat and Sun and have still had a gain for Monday. Do you weigh at home or use scales from Boots or Tesco?