Aww hun i would be kicking arse to, i hate it when he goes out in the same city that we live let alone away. I spend all day on my own, don't see why he gets to go out and have fun while i spend it on my own but thats just me.
I believe that facebook is about friends and if I add you to mine I consider you a friend, not a slimming buddy. This forum is about weight loss and the 2 should remain separate. There are people on my FB who I'm not comfortable talking about my weight with so I don't like my weight/diet being mentioned on there either. Totally understand hun.
morning honey ..good to see your feeling more posative x
have a nice bubble bath and pamper tonight do you the world of good ..I have now lost my voice and mr beans is delighted ! was hoping to go to the sales today...i hate being poorly
have a great day honey xxxxx
Get better soon Hun! Have you tried sprinkling linseed on porrige? Or you can soak a tablespoon in hot water overnight , strain and drink the water, or you can grind the seeds and sprinkle over soup.