Claire has returned! All help and advice appreciated!

My In-laws are the same age as my grandparents, so we have nothing in common at all. I only see them briefly, twice a yr and that how I like it.
Its helps that Mike dont like his parents either :D
Paul aint a fan on his lol... Families eh!
Well you know what they say, you can choose your friends but not your family!
I managed to lose a 1lb!!

Woo Im well plsd as AF was here and have been bloated ALL week!

The train is on its way to slimville!!

:woohoo: Well done huni. You managed to survive the in-laws and managed to lose weight. :flowers:
Ha ha Taz... Ty too!

Why are ppl lke that tho!?
TY SA... I know.. Paul left Ionas chair at his mums yest so I gotta go pick it up! TUT!
Ta Annie! Yh Im going to remain focused! Have no major reason why I can TBH!?

I called the Drs about the gym thing etc and I am going next tues to see if they will do it!

App they do but dependant on the person?
I hope they do....

Its obv I wanna do it - I have lost 4st and have done myself (No classes) only the support from family and you guys!

Do you think that could go against me as I can do on my own? Well the weight Part, Im trying to do the fit part too but think the gym will spur me on!?

Cheers SA for the idea?!
I don't know about in your area but here you can only get exercise on prescription if you fit a strict criteria. You have to be over weight, do no exercise, have certain health problems etc etc.

Good luck
What criteria - do you know?
i aint sure ill fit it as said but worth a shot?