ClaireCat: The Art of Self Sabotage

and just to show everyone likes different stuff, i hated the mint one, and like all the others to a greater or lesser extent. I statrted off really liking the orange one but i've gone off it now. it's such a strong flavour that i have to be in the mood for it, and i was frequently leaving it til the end of the week - so i don't get it any more.

the peanut is strange. the flavour i like, but the texture is unmistakably sawdust. the chewy ones all taste like chocolate coated fudge, and that's fiiiiiiiiiine by me. :D
Well, just because I like to vent, or whine, whatever.

Was at the doctors this morning and burst into tears after about 10seconds of speaking to her! As you do! So she signed me off work for the rest of the week. Wanted to give me longer, but its January, and I dont have time to be ill in January (i work in an accountants and Jan is just hectic).

So, went to work and handed it in. She'd marked me down as having a viral infection because i have the cold aka death - so that was nice of her.

Just spoken to someone from an agency who told me about a job he's got going working out of practice and in property. Sounds interesting, so I'm going to go meet him tomorrow and, all going well, he'll pass my cv over to the company on wed. It sounds too good to be true, so im not holding my breath.

But, gotta be in it to win it. Or is that the lottery?

Anyway, back to my original thing. Have been told to take more happy tablets and she wants me to see a councillor.

But lets be fair... group therapy? I cant stand people at the best of times, so why would I want to sit in a room full of them, and ones who are moaning?!
Well, just because I like to vent, or whine, whatever.

Was at the doctors this morning and burst into tears after about 10seconds of speaking to her! As you do! So she signed me off work for the rest of the week. Wanted to give me longer, but its January, and I dont have time to be ill in January (i work in an accountants and Jan is just hectic).

So, went to work and handed it in. She'd marked me down as having a viral infection because i have the cold aka death - so that was nice of her.

Just spoken to someone from an agency who told me about a job he's got going working out of practice and in property. Sounds interesting, so I'm going to go meet him tomorrow and, all going well, he'll pass my cv over to the company on wed. It sounds too good to be true, so im not holding my breath.

But, gotta be in it to win it. Or is that the lottery?

Anyway, back to my original thing. Have been told to take more happy tablets and she wants me to see a councillor.

But lets be fair... group therapy? I cant stand people at the best of times, so why would I want to sit in a room full of them, and ones who are moaning?!

Defo have to be in it to win it, I was forced to an interview for a job that sounded to good to be true before christmas that I thought I had no chance, but some how I managed to bumble my way through the interview and get the job, just waiting for a start date. So its always worth trying!
Group therapy is my idea of hell, I think it would make me more depressed!
Feel better soon x
Happy Friday the 13th!!! WOOOOO!!!! :D
Ok, seriously dying from the flu death. Is there anything I can take for it that wont bugger up my diet? Lemsip? Sugar free medicine? Feel like my ears need to pop and my throat is all yucky. And my head feels swollen, at least, more so than usual! haha!

I'd give my right arm for some benylin! lol!

And omg does having the flu make me want to stuff my face!!! I want to go out for lunch damn it!
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I took beechams sachets when I had it and I was fine, stayed in keto but dunno if everyones the same!
Other than that day & night nurse work good in pill form without all the sugar, just sleep through it ^_^
Been reading up on slim & save and it sounds much more affordable. Not sure whether to switch. But I'd miss my tetra's. I'm all about convenience! lol!

Just not sure if, with cambridge, im really paying extra for my councillor, when, if I'm honest, she irritates me a bit. And I do own my own scales!

Just a passing thought. Dont really like much of the other products apart from the oriental soup, and a couple of the bars are ok. I'm waffling. I blame the flu!
I would switch purely for the money purposes but I like my CDC too much and I need the weekly weigh in to keep me on track, tried to do diets on my own before and it never lasts long!
But if you don't like your CDC... You could always just say you want to do a higher step with less packs and just get some tetras? x
I agree, if your not getting on with your CDC then there seems little point continuing her. If you feel confident with the slim n save and the support of the forum then go for it.

I reckon its best to take whatever medicine you need for the flu and not worry about its affects so much. Just stick to the food packs and take all the medicine you need. The quicker you get better the quicker you will not want to eat lots and it ma reduce the risk of a binge. (of course this is just my opinion!)

Hope your feeling a little better at least. Hot water bottle, WoW and bed?? xx
Would the atkins ready made shakes be suitable for a meal replacement? The nutritional info is about the same as for the CM shakes but im guessing it doesnt have all the happy vitamins and minerals in it, and its got 6.4g more fat in them.

Just noseyin on the internet looking for ready made shakes! lol! LAZY! :p
atkins products only in an emergency, petal. obv they're low enough in carbs, but they're higher in calories and nutritionally not intended to be part of a TFR diet.
Ah i was going to order slim and save stuff but it wouldnt get me use my paypal, and im too lazy to get up to get my wallet. So its obv a sign to not do it!

On a side note, that job I went to see about today sounds awsome! however, its doing accounts for some kind of property managers or something, bookkeeping up to trial balances. I said "sure thats no problem, I do that just now anyway" .......

may have been a slight porky! I am doing a bookkeeping course at the moment, but Im going to have to sit down and start it from scratch tomorrow because I remember nothing! And I've never done trial balances before. But how hard can it be? I mean, its a list of different credits and debits from other records, put onto one sheet!

*looks nervous*

Anyway, he's sending my cv over on wed and if they want to interview me they can do. Will need to take a day off to go tho, so not sure how to explain that to my boss! Cant really take another sickie.

And also, the job sounds amazing (as amazing as working in accounts can get) and the money is fab compared to what I'm making just now. So its obv that I'm not going to get it, but I'm nervous incase they ask me stuff I have no idea about at the interview, if indeed I get asked to go for one!

Nothing ventured nothing gained tho I suppose. And Im good at blagging! lol!
Positive thinking lady! You can and will achieve it. Sounds less like a blag and more like a brush up. Because you have the knowledge so i am sure you will smash it!

Are you feeling any better? X
WI and food discussion alert

Week 2 official WI: -3 1/4lbs.

Not overly excited about it tbh, my scales make me 2lbs lighter than my cdc's so I was expecting about 5lbs. Not that I should be grumbling over 10 3/4lbs loss in 2 weeks! lol! I'm greedy is all, hence the size of my bum! lol!

Still feeling really awful. All I can think about is pizza. Just want to eat something warm and chewy!

Speaking of warm and chewy, a thought has just popped into my mind. Has anyone ever tried heating up one of the bars in a bowl and having it melted? I'm thinking of warm chocolate fudge cake with cream!
Im always thinking of warm choc fudge cake with cream but I dont think you'll get that from a bar! In fact there are some rules about cooking them isnt there? The only thing I do to make life bareable (almost) is add the same amount of boiling water to a choc tetra and drink like a hot chocolate. It really does feel like a treat.

Have you tried the atkins tetra's? They are vile! I ran out when I was away before Christmas and it was all I could find, I couldnt finish it. Awful.

I cant find any other ready made as nice as CD, I asked if S&S were making them and he said there wasnt the demand. So I am definately staying with the CDP.

Oh and the job sounds ace, especially if you can blind them with bull in the interview. Whatever you know will be more than they do about accounts!
Week 2 official WI: -3 1/4lbs.

Not overly excited about it tbh, my scales make me 2lbs lighter than my cdc's so I was expecting about 5lbs. Not that I should be grumbling over 10 3/4lbs loss in 2 weeks! lol! I'm greedy is all, hence the size of my bum! lol!

Still feeling really awful. All I can think about is pizza. Just want to eat something warm and chewy!

Speaking of warm and chewy, a thought has just popped into my mind. Has anyone ever tried heating up one of the bars in a bowl and having it melted? I'm thinking of warm chocolate fudge cake with cream!

Well done Hun on your loss! 10 3/4 lbs loss is fab for two weeks! Just keep going, you can do it xxx
Cant honestly say I've ever tried the atkins shakes. The first time I tried a CM tetra I thought it was yucky, but my tastebuds have already changed and its only 2 weeks.

Think I might order 21 of them next weekend! lol!
I want food. Not for any other reason than the fact that I'm ill and I am sick to death of looking at liquid.

Trying to decide whether to stuff my face with something tasty and low carb (my mind keeps telling me chicken tikka!) to see if that helps my immune system. Or, just ignore it and hope I feel better tomorrow. I mean, do I really need have indian food? Probably not.

Guess if I did do it, then come next saturday I could see what kind of stall that put on my weight loss, and that would be complete motivation not to do it again.

Or I could just man up and get a grip and not bother.

Bah, who knows. :(
false thinking. you'll never know what effect something has on your weight loss. say you lose more than last week - does that mean it was good for your diet? you don't know - because you'll never know how much you would've lost. what if you eat it and your weightloss dries up completely? did eating 600cals of takeaway do that? not possible. it takes 3600cals to create a pound of fat. maybe it's made you retain water, though (all that salt) or maybe you'd have had a poor loss that week even if you'd been 100%.

the problem is that weightloss isn't linear. it's not possible to do a scientific study observing results from different inputs. not without a lab and bllodtests and scans and all kinds of other kit that I assume is missing from your bathroom, anyway...

if you feel like you need some food because you're ill - then do it (though i'd get some chicken breast and cook it yourself with spices if you want damage limitation)... but don't try to rationalise it in terms of it teaching you more about the diet, because the chances are you won't get the result you're imagining - and even if you did, you can NEVER know exactly what caused it.
Spangles, you're knowlege just astounds me. I've just read your reply to my bf who's just looking at me in contemplation, telling me you remind him of "those astronomer people" - I'm guessing he means the people that do the star signs in the paper, because as far as I'm aware, I've never seen him reading something about astronomy! lol!

But yeah, I'm ill. Going to have something "proper to eat" and keep it low carb. Dont think I've ever felt this bad in a long time. My CDC told me today that i should up my calories til I feel better, not that I'm using that as my reasoning.

Just ill.