ClaireCat: The Art of Self Sabotage

I found small protien snacks were a life safer this week whilst I was doing an all nighter. Pure protien gives your body loads of energy so evan if it dosn't cure you a little home cooked chicken or prawns will make you feel alot better flu wise.

Also, the book says you can eat 250 grams of prawns which is sooooo many. So if you wanted to minimise the damage you could always half it and have some now and some if you needed it later. Maybe anywho x

Spangles you should write a book when you done! x
Heh - funny you should say that... i've been thinking about it.
I had a mix of chicken and lamb tikka. Was hoping that the fact it was just meat and salad might be ok, and hoped the spices helped a bit.

Feeling a bit better actually, although, my stomach is a bit undecided if it shares my "food" joy. Couldnt finish it all either, so thats got to be a good sign, diet wise!

Hopefully will feel better in the morning tho. :)
I think when you feel really poorly, you should just take the lemsips and whatever it takes to get you better - dieting is not the be all and you have to be healthy to have enthusiasm for it.

I think there is another part of this site that had recipes, but you can heat up some bars, its just that cooking them removes some of the nutrients, hence not to do it all the time.
Yeah, ive been taking beechams flu capsuels the last couple of days for sinus relief or something. My gran always said "feed a cold, starve a fever" and well, i needed to feed it. Think I did ok on the ketosis front tho, so thats a bonus. Not even concerned about the calories etc, as long as I feel a bit better tomorrow.

I got a jewellery company to make me a custom silver necklace last week as a present for myself when I lose the weight. Its sitting in the box, unopened (well, my bf checked it to make sure it was ok) and I'm not allowing myself to even so much as look at it until my BMI is under 25.

So I know my head is in the right place and I will do it. Actually had a good chat with a dif CDC today because mine wasnt in and I'm feeling pretty good about this diet. So I'll get there!

Not looking on today as a set back, more as a "had to be done to move forward" kinda moment. :)
Draw a line under it and move on :)
You didn't binge and go crazy all you did was have abit of meat & salad which you know atkins revolves around so you should be fine staying in keto, just a few extra cals that's all and that wont make a difference in the bigger picture.

Hope you feeling better in the morning! x
Hey hunni, how are you feeling today? Xxx
Actually feel quite a bit better this morning. I mean, I'm clearly still all flu-ey but I dont feel anywhere near as bad as I did yesterday. So quite happy about last nights decision now! :)

Had my choc tetra and a cup of tea. Waiting on the OH getting out the shower so I can do my puppy dog eyes and hope he makes me another cup! lol! ;)
Actually feel quite a bit better this morning. I mean, I'm clearly still all flu-ey but I dont feel anywhere near as bad as I did yesterday. So quite happy about last nights decision now! :)

Had my choc tetra and a cup of tea. Waiting on the OH getting out the shower so I can do my puppy dog eyes and hope he makes me another cup! lol! ;)

Tbh i did the same thing before Xmas, felt really rough and had a chicken shish, it did actually make me feel better, not sure why but it seemed to work!

Aww bless our little tea makers hehe
I can hear him stirring my tea as I type! hehe! :D
Now I can smell toasties. B*****d!

Tea is good tho lol
Now I can smell toasties. B*****d!

Tea is good tho lol

He done tea & toast too ¬_¬
smell of toast is the worst thing!

Oh and he didn't make me a coffee cos his toast was gunna burn, tsk, prioritys! :p
ah my boyf was eating toast this morning..the smell was sooo good!! and in work i sit basically next to the toaster so toast smell is my worst enemy at the moment!!!! ive also just found alllll of the chocolate and sweets i had for xmas. *sigh!*

Lol! My bf has a coffee table at the side of his sofa (yes, we have our own couch! :p) and it has..... 2 Roses Tins, 1 Cadbury's hero's, 1 box of tunnocks tea cakes, 2 jars of jelly beans, bag of animal biscuits, terrys chocolate orange, after eights, toblerone, another box of roses. That's all I can see from here, there will be more on it, but I'm not getting up to check!

Thankfully, chocolate isnt one of my weaknesses, I can take it or leave it. For me, its crisps, cake, biscuits and.... toast. :(

I have no idea why I thought I'd share that with you! lol!
LOL, Claire. Thanks for that. :D

Toast - grrr...

I googled to find out why we all love the smell so. Apparently, researchers at Cardiff University (where they doubtless eat a truckload of toast) found that toast is a smell that we almost all of us associate with childhood, as it is often one of the first solid foods we’re given (crusts off, smeared with butter... mmm). Professor Tim Jacobs, who seems to be the chief toast fanatic at Cardiff, is an expert on the way that people perceive taste and smell and found that the more you love toast, the more likely it is that you ate a lot of it as a child.

Yep. I did. :rolleyes:

More here (if you can bear to read it!):
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Ah well that explains it then, I went to Cardiff University, they probably implanted me with some toast loving device hahaha.

I don't like brown chocolate at all, But I had a white toblerone for xmas, and I have had to put it out of my view hahah.

My major weakness is DEF bread, I think at one point I was having toast for breakfast, sandwich for lunch and beans on toast or sandwich for tea. I can literally live on bread. and potato. Give me a bag of potatoes and I will eat them all in one go.....cheese and potato pie is my achilles heel!!!
I lived off a diet of bread for a year after a bad relationship. Toast, to be more precise. Toast for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My toppings varied mind you: cheese, ham, pate, phili.... lol!

I lost about 4/5 stones mind you. Not that I'm saying toast is a miracle cure because we all know that stress is the miracle weight loss cure! lol!
Currently training the OH to make my shakes up. :D