ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

I really want to eat everything today. Super starving!
"Ouchie" is the word, Claire - I think you deserve the Thorntons! And the retail therapy - one of my favourites :)

And don't worry if you're hungry - eat anything legal - it just happens like that sometimes.
Weighed out 45g of peanuts. Eating them one at a time to make them last! hehe!
There's nothing to stop you having a big plate of protein and some veg, either :) Or a Mattesons with a bit of mayo? Mmmm
Oooh, I love deep fried mathesons! :)
I made some turkey and courgette stir fry thingy. Too salty, so only ate half of it. Needed something to soothe my mouth afterwards, so I had 4 teaspoons of creme fresh with some splenda and cocoa.

I know I said I was cutting out all dairy this week, but I was really struggling for something to soothe my mouth! Hope its ok!
Getting tattoo'd today *does a wee celebratory dance*

Not looking forward to the 2 hours of pain, but excited none the less! I'm such a wimp! lol!
Oooo! Will there be pics of the finished product? What are you getting and where? I want down my ribs done when I get to goal. I only have one now near my left ankle and I giggled all the way through as it tickled, but I know some areas will hurt more than others. Hope it all goes well x
I'm a bit of a geek so.... im getting my world of warcraft character done on the inside of my forearm! lol!

Will take two sittings tho cuz will be about 4hours, and theres just no way in hell I'll sit there or 4 hours! :p

Will post a piccy later x
hope it doesn't hurt too much!! and I hope you're pleased with the result! :)

Couple of hours of it out the way. Final sitting is booked in for the 18th July - only an hour or so left to do :)

Nipped a bit the last half hour or so of it! I'm such a wimp! hehe!
So.. today I may have had a lc pitta bread for breakie. Thats basically frankenfoods, but I couldnt work out what to eat, and thought I should have food before I went for ink.

Dinner was a takeaway because, well, my arm is too sore to cook (poor excuse) and I feel starving.

Thought my month long period had ended, but apparently its making a come back. Hope my new pill settles down soon cuz I feel all hormonal and hungry. And its messing with my weight loss. Damn woman issues!!!
WOW Claire that's incredible - and much bigger than I thought, no wonder it "nipped" (in my language, "hurt like hell")!!!

Sorry to hear your period is going on that long, as another sufferer! Are you taking an iron supplement?
I was going to order some B-6 vitamins because I'm always so tired. My anti-depressants make me really sleepy, so not sure the best way to combat the tiredness. Not taking any vitamins tbh - i keep forgetting to buy them!
I've just ordered some effervescent vits and mins from Tesco, nice way to get some water down you as well as the supplements :)
Ouch, mine is tiny compared to that and hurt like hell lol (but it was over 20 years ago) so may have magnified in pain ;)
Morning Claire, that's one hell of a tatoo love