I agree - when you see a set you really fall in love with, it's important to get all the pieces you want, otherwise you will regret it - and then be a sad shadow haunting eBay for the rest
And on a side not. I want to eat rubbish today. So far I have resisted, but I really want a double decker chocolate bar. I also want pizza hut!
So far today I've had
B: Cheese triangle (crap i know, but I did make boiled egg in a cup but it tasted absolutely disgusting and it went in the bin!)
L: Steak and chicken with chilli and mixed peppers
D: Im thinking 2 oopsie rolls with bacon and cheese and tomato sauce!
Oopsies were pretty darn tasty! However, Im on a bit of a downer this week and honestly forsee falling off the wagon tonight.
Not eaten anything all day because I was rushing about this morning before work and I've had to work thru my lunch. So all I can think about it takeaway food, chocolate and crisps!
Ok, so I may have eaten a tub of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough. Im not going to defend myself. However, one of the little tubs only has 35g carbs in it. So technically, because I didnt really eat anything all day, isnt ACTUALLY that bad! *clutches onto her straws for dear life!*