ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

Haha! My bank manager begs to differ! lol!
Have you got a factory outlet centre near you they have shops selling tableware you might find something similar a lot less xx

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Outlet?! *sticks nose up* pmsl!!!
I'm such a snob! I hate to admit it, but I am. Materialistic-much! lol!
Morning Jim! :D

Is it Friday yet?! *sigh*
ah no, it's Tuesday and we have Olivia for the day :D
Clairecat I love my kitchen things too. I tend to buy odds and ends that I love but do hanker over a new set, the last one is a few years old now.

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I agree - when you see a set you really fall in love with, it's important to get all the pieces you want, otherwise you will regret it - and then be a sad shadow haunting eBay for the rest :D
Yeah. I cant afford to buy all of it, so I'm buying none of it. I'll have a look after christmas and see if they still have it and I'll buy the lot!

My crappy ikea dinner set and cutlery just isnt cutting it now I've seen this bad boy! lol!
And on a side not. I want to eat rubbish today. So far I have resisted, but I really want a double decker chocolate bar. I also want pizza hut!

So far today I've had

B: Cheese triangle (crap i know, but I did make boiled egg in a cup but it tasted absolutely disgusting and it went in the bin!)
L: Steak and chicken with chilli and mixed peppers
D: Im thinking 2 oopsie rolls with bacon and cheese and tomato sauce!

Or pizza hut! haha! jk!
Lol! I came straight home, had two oopsies with bacon and egg and a choc oopsie muffin with cream for dessert.

Probably too much protein tonight, but hell, it was better than pizza and chocolate! Hmm...wonder what chocolate on pizza would taste like?!
Dont go there claire;)
Chocolate & pizza Yuck LOL

Morning Claire :D
Oopsies were pretty darn tasty! However, Im on a bit of a downer this week and honestly forsee falling off the wagon tonight.

Not eaten anything all day because I was rushing about this morning before work and I've had to work thru my lunch. So all I can think about it takeaway food, chocolate and crisps!
Ok, so I may have eaten a tub of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough. Im not going to defend myself. However, one of the little tubs only has 35g carbs in it. So technically, because I didnt really eat anything all day, isnt ACTUALLY that bad! *clutches onto her straws for dear life!*