Oh, that job I went to see about today sounds awsome! however, its doing accounts for some kind of property managers or something, bookkeeping up to trial balances. I said "sure thats no problem, I do that just now anyway" .......
may have been a slight porky! I am doing a bookkeeping course at the moment, but Im going to have to sit down and start it from scratch tomorrow because I remember nothing! And I've never done trial balances before. But how hard can it be? I mean, its a list of different credits and debits from other records, put onto one sheet!
*looks nervous*
Anyway, he's sending my cv over on wed and if they want to interview me they can do. Will need to take a day off to go tho, so not sure how to explain that to my boss! Cant really take another sickie.
And also, the job sounds amazing (as amazing as working in accounts can get) and the money is fab compared to what I'm making just now. So its obv that I'm not going to get it, but I'm nervous incase they ask me stuff I have no idea about at the interview, if indeed I get asked to go for one!
Nothing ventured nothing gained tho I suppose. And Im good at blagging! lol!