ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

oh could be hon. do you have citric acid? vitamins have it in x
Nope, dont usually have anything with citric acid. I drink coke zero if I am drinking fizzy juice, but I mainly have water tbh.

Aw noo....not the oopsies :( I love sandwiches - they're my downfall, If i cant have oopsies, I dont know what to do :/
OK... Im going to asda on my way home. I'm going to try my oopsies with mayo or yogurt instead of the cream cheese.

I'm thinking soya yogurt? But mayo does sound lush too....
nooo dont mess with the cream cheese. how bout flax bread love??
No, I really dislike flax. I'm going to try oopsies with mayo instead! I'll report back later tonight lol!
ooh good luck xxx
If its a disaster, I will just sulk alot and cry over my lack of rolls! lol!

Will post some pics eitherway! hehe!
Sitting munching my lunch. In a scarily good mood today for some reason - must be that Friday feeling.

Finish at 4 today and heading into town for a consultation for electrolysis and laser hair removal.

I dont usually talk about this stuff, but for some reason, I felt like writing it down today! Because of my pcos I get unsightly hair, in places a girl just shouldn't! lol! Been getting laser hair removal since March at Transform cosmetic group, but its costing me a fortune. Going somewhere else tonight to see if electrolysis would be better for me, and if not, find out how much they're charging for laser hair removal.

Got a fair few places that need it, but pennies dont allow me to get them all done at the one time! £180 a go for 3 small areas is more than I can afford already!

I know this was pointless information, but as I said, felt the need to write it down somewhere.
Crikey that's a lot of ££££ good luck on checking out the new place!

I get stuff like that too, and as I gallop towards 50 I'm even getting grey nasal hairs, for goodness' sake! got quotes a zillion quid to zap off skin tags on my neck buit am going to attempt cutting off one myself (under highly sterilised conditions) this weekend - if I can be brave enough, am very squeamish about that stuff! :)
Oooh, I have some skin tags. Might ask about them. Was hoping to find out how much it'd cost to get a mole removed from my face. But I'm scared to ask tbh! :p
Susie, you can tie off skin tags, I've seen it done, but you may need help
I used to have to dye the hair on my forearms but since having a Mirena it's now fair and downy. My only concession these days is man-hair on the backs of my thighs which can fortunately be dealt with by a razor.
I used to have to dye the hair on my forearms but since having a Mirena it's now fair and downy. My only concession these days is man-hair on the backs of my thighs which can fortunately be dealt with by a razor.

Is that the coil? I had the normal copper one in for about 3 weeks before. Was the worst feeling in the world getting that put in, and taken out.

And I got it taken out because everytime my stomach hurt I thought it was goin to stab its way out! hahaha! Creeps me out! *shudders* plus the fact i swear i could have pulled the cord on the end of it and yanked it out - freaked me out!
Hi Claire i would be in a good mood finishing early too.

I have loads of hair which is apparently normal and not a problem to my doc. i beg to differ. I would love to get laser/electrolysis but could never really afford it. I think the electrolysis is ok for smaller patches isn't it? I have dark hairs that come through on my chin like a goat, bloody awful, that I pluck everyday. They never get to see the light of day as I whip them out as soon as I see a millimetre appear. And then I mow my legs with an epilater. I have strong dark hair, but it doesn't seem too bad coming back in when using the epilater due to growth cycles of hair and epilation lasts a while but not reccommended for sensitive areas. I'm sure you've tried most things as most of us have. Don't worry about telling all on here, I don't actually think there is a topic I haven't seen on these boards! At the end of the day we are real people not cut out cardboard glamourpusses who's poop smells of roses. i think its good to get things you are thinking about out x
Afternoon claire:)

Laser is really amazing a) if you can afford b) you're not a wimp (i think it hurts) c) you dont get a tan!
Had a programme when i was flush some years ago, but living in singapore so couldn't stop tan developing on legs so then it started to burn the skin as well :eek:

Worth the amount i did otherwise would need large sit on lawnmower now:D
I have dark hairs that come through on my chin like a goat, bloody awful

With you there Rachel, I also have those - and isn't it great the way they are really dark (ie highly visible) and stick straight out? Oh the joy of being a woman...:D

And OMG Katie that must have been horrible! Poor love.

Mad eh what we'll do - I have a bit of Maori in me so tan easily when I go out in the sun - and when younger and more stupid, I used to help it along by putting baby oil on - mmm, nice, the smell of frying skin on the beach :eek:
I get really dark thick hair on my jawline and a bit on my neck, and also around my nipples (god, ive never actually told anyone that before - and now im announcing it to the internet!) - I've been getting laser hair on my face and nipples for a few months now, but I'm not overly excited about it. Think I will continue to do it on my face - when I remember to book an appointment, but I just went and got electrolysis done on my nipples and it took 15mins to do both. Cost me £20 and I'm WELL impressed!

Didnt realize that with electrolysis, they actually take the hair out then and there. With the laser i've to shave it everyday and wait for the hair to fall out when its ready.

I'm super chuffed. It was painful, but then someone stabbing you with a hot needle is bound to be, but well worth it!!! And £20 a fortnight, or whenever its needed is fine by me for a few months! :D

Infact, I might just get my face done with it too. I've got to go to the doctors to check its ok for them to do the mole on my face first tho!

God, I'm soooo happy with it!!!! You should definitly go see about it. £20 for 15mins, cant argue with that - and its a permanent treatment!!!! WOW! Can you tell im impressed?! :p
Stabbing? Hot needle????? OMG that sounds way too brave for me CC! But glad it worked well for you. I used to have one curly hair coming out of one nipple, but it seems to have stopped - probably just decided to come out of some other location lol.

I checked out costs for the skin tags (thx for the tying off advice Jim but a long term study of reviews online suggest it doesn't always work and is a bit painful) - and £500 a pop! I think we could set up a while business - tools - piece of ice, sterilised nail clippers - laughing! :)
WOW! Hold on Suzie, I have a pricelist kicking about here! Cant be that much! lol!