So... Day 7. Lets discuss it.
Cats woke me up at 5.30am and I had to get up to pee! Had a sore head and couldnt get back to sleep.
Got to work about 8am, and at 11.20am and I honestly thought it was about 4.30pm and I was looking forward to going home because I felt shattered. Unbelievably gutted when I realised it was still morning. Spent the rest of my day like a half shut knife.
Came home, showered and then went to the kitchen to stare at meal packs thinking "I dont want to eat any of these" and eventually decided on a coffee and a dark choc truffa bar - which i didn't like. I sat down on the sofa to drink my coffee, and eat my bar, and sat in cat pee. They two of them were obviously fannying about in the living-room and knocked the door closed and couldn't get out to the hall to their litter tray.
Couldn't have pee'd on the lino in the kitchen, or a cat bed, or even the carpet... No... they had to pee on my luxury fabric sofa which is specialist clean only.
So... I calmly (and that's not even sarcasm, I am very calm - which is strange for me because I have a really short fuse and a bad temper) took all the cushions off the back of couch (its a pillow backed couch) and then took the covers off the seat cushions and sat the foam sections upright on the floor. Pondered for a minute and then got changed and went to the supermarket for bicarb or soda and white vinegar.
I have sprayed the base of the couch and the foam cushions with vinegar and bicarb, and covered the sofa in bicarb. The covers have gone in a delicate wash with vinegar. If they dont survive the wash, or I still smell cat pee, it will be looking like a trip to DFS on Friday after work to order a new suite.
I am more than unimpressed. Both of the cats are very close to being on the re-homing list.
My kitten gets spayed next Thursday, and looking forward to letting her outside. Hopefully they will both want to roam free and stop trashing my stuff and waking me up at stupid o'clock.
I still have another pack to have and I cant be ar*ed. I'd go to my bed if it wasn't for the fact I know I wont get any sleep.
I should have bought goldfish.