yay! got trhough last night without giving in

still not in ketosis yet though

thats been since friday

- im delighted with myself for doing 100% so far but im p!ssed off cos im still 2lbs above what i weighed on sat - that doesnt seem possible!!! am guzzling the water and sticking to he diet sooooo well. saying that , i havent been to the toilet (*coughs*) since friday either

i had 2 movicols yesterday afternoon yet still nothing

if nothing by 24 hrs ill try the dulcolax - theyre usually more effective, if slightly less pleasant - but necessary!!!
plan for today -
bfast - vanilla shake - gonna try it hot with a spoon of coffee and see if it's like a latte - ive been sooooo missing my cappucinos so heres to a coffee hit!
lunch - orginal porrige
dinner - orange bar
oooh im so pleased to have the bars now - therye very yummy - ive liked the orange, the chocolate and the caramel so far. tried the peanut one at my cdc's and was ok - took one for when i have a peanut butter sandwich craving!!!
well best of luck for today ladies and thanks so much for the encouragement - its keeping me going