Claire's diary of food and thoughts

B. Coffee with cream n sweetner 0.5
S. Hot pepperami 0.6
Scratchings 0.3
D. Cheese salad - lettuce, cucumber, spring onion, mixed grated cheese, mayo 5
S. Klix coffee 1
S. Coffee with cream n sweetner 0.5

7.9 so far..

Sausages for tea :)
7.9 carried forward..

T. 3 x asda extra special tomato n oregano sossies 3.8
100g runner beans 2.6
100g mixed frozen chopped cabbage 3
2 tsp gravy granules 3

Total - 20.3g

Not sure if i'll eat all the vegs n i may end up eating 2 rather than 3 of the sausages.... may have to adjust the total a little yet.
B. Coffee with cream n sweetner 0.5
D. 3 leftover cold sossies from last nights tea 3.8
Grated cheddar, chopped cucumber n mayo 4
Klix coffee 1
Scratchings 0.3

9.6 so far...
But if we eat it all we still dont get pudding!

love the new avatar, BTW!
Hahaha, yeah i know!! Think that's where the instilled 'eat it what's on your plate n feel lucky' attitude's come from though.

Just been for a bit of a jog round the park over the road, not that far n not that fast but i went out n did it. Was glad of the fresh air after being cooped up at work all day gazing out at the sunshine!!

Not feeling too positive about wi tmoz, had a sneaky one this morning n had put 1.2lb on :( Still, know i've stuck to it this week so it has to come off. I reckon the weeks hard work takes a week to catch up n so shows the week after...

9.6 carried forward..

T. Whole sea bass 0
150g spiky brocolli/cauli stuff 2.5
100g frozen runner beans 2

Well i may be feeling slighty apprehensive about wi tmoz (6 days this week) however, i had a little joyous moment just a few minutes ago!!

I tried on my monsoon posh frock SIZE 14 and i can not only now do it all the way up the back on my own but it's even a little baggy at the top!!! Need to get it to the dry cleaners and then hope to find somewhere posh enough to wear it!! I've only ever worn it once (£250.00!!) and that was in 2004 for the xmas do at a camp i was on.

So, even though i may feel a bit down tmoz if i'm sts or gain this little achievement will perk me up. I am totally inspired to carry on and i have had a good week this week. I think it takes your body a week to catch up with what you've had/not had for some reason... Hopefully next week will be a good un..

Well done on the dress, great feeling!!

I think those moments are far more important than numbers on a scale. All kinds of things can mess with a weigh-in, whereas dresses just don't lie!

Good luck tomorrow anyway, but it sounds like it's already been a successful week! :D
Morning Claire, I totally agree with Hooya, the tape can't lie and if the frock fits, wear it. LOL.
Well done Claire, gotta love getting into smaller clothes.
LOL, good point Laura!
Here's a rubbish photo of it


  • Photo0181.jpg
    300 KB · Views: 36
Thanks for the kind words people :) You've really cheered me up and kept me on track today. Have had a sts this week, better than a gain so pleased about that and it was after 6 days too. Here's hoping for a good loss next week..

B. Coffee with cream n sweetner 0.5
S. 2 x bags pork scratchings 0.6
D. Pepperami 0.5
Grated chedder, mayo n cucumber 4
Coffee with milk 1

6.6 so far..
Wow dress looks gorgeous! I'd go with wearing it whenever you feel like!

Congrats on STS, still a good result in my book and getting easily into the dress is much more significant!
