** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Afternoon Claire, I just seem to have less and less time for cooking during the week, probably due to going to classes lol - I can't win can I ;) anyway a couple weeks of Exante should help get the lbs coming off and I know I won't drink while I am on it, and weekends won't be the same temptation because it is so rigid. Will be good for me I think. xx
B. coffee n cream
D. 10 slices salami, coffee n milk
S. coffee n cream, half pack of porky scratchings
T. Gonna make a Thai green chicken curry type thing with philly
I see a huge Philly overdose coming up!! :0)

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Sadly I went to morrisons for a change instead of asda or Tesco as its a lot closer. They only had one tub of full fat cream cheese! Their own brand, 300g n I need 400g for the curry n quichey-cheesecake thing. Only had light Philly which was 1.2g carb per spoonful! I'll just make up the difference with cream or something. It'll be reet.
T. Thai green chicken curry n side salad - Clean n green!


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Mmmmmmmm looks good!!!

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'twas :)

Swapped the peppers for mushies, milk for soy milk n added one fresh red chilli n a tsp garlic purée. Used three chicken breasts rather than four n had half the mix. So gives me two chicken breasts left to make the savoury cheesecake mix thing tmoz.
yum that looks scrummy. better than my weird chicken concoction i just had...it was rank
ill be down in englandshire on sunday :)
Evening claire - we always pick the tesco or waitrose own brand as its lower carb than philly
I kinda bodged the recipe I found on the Philly app.

My version -

Cooked chicken chunks (I just fried off two breasts but u could use any variety)
Two leeks
Six cherry tomatoes, quartered
300ml sour cream
250g Philly but I had 180g morrisons version left from tea so used that
Grated cheddar
Five whole eggs
Splash of soy milk n cream (to make up for the lack of cream cheese)

Pre-heat oven to 160'c.

Slice up the leeks n sauté in butter, add the tomatoe pieces after a couple mins n sauté all together. Fry off the chicken breast (I chopped it quite small) n add to leek n tomato mixture or add the other cooked chicken.

Beat the cream cheese, sour cream, soy milk n cream till smooth. Crack one egg in at a time n beat in. Then repeat for all eggs. Mix in the chicken, leeks n toms.

Lob it in a greased sprung tin (I didn't have one so chucked it in silicon bakeware instead). Sprinkle a little grated cheddar on top n put in oven. Bake for 45-50mins or until set.

I've got mine cooking now. Used muffin holders n a loaf type tin (silicon). Guessing the little ones will need less time to cook so I'm keeping an eye on them.