** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

User CP and there is a privacy option, mine is set to just registered members. Not sure if that stops the whole planet seeing everything or not!

I've just put a nice recipe on my bit which I think must be atkins friendly (it's a SW recipe)
Cheers Sez. I'll look that up when next logging in on my pc. Tend to use my phone the most tho. Saw the recipe, looks lush. Not had gammon in ages. Been thinking about work tmoz -

- Oatsosimple (hexb) with milk (hexa)
- Got a tub of simple tomato n basil fresh soup in the fridge. Can't imagine there'll be many syns, if any. Gonna have half tmoz n half the day after.
- Salad - iceberg, cucumber, tomato with tuna n some sort of low carb dressing. Got a Caesar dressing not yet opened. Low fat no, low carb yes.
- Various fruits throughout the day.
Curry was nice. Naughty but nice.

Adding up tmozs plan is 7 syns. 2 for the porridge being flavoured (it's in my locker already so no point buying fresh till it's gone.) 5 for caesar dressing for salad.

8 superfoods. Fruits n salad stuff.

Tea I'm planning on being a jacket tata with baked beans.
Oh n just for Bren a pic of my bruised inner thigh/knee area lol


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Morning Claire, if I had tater and beans i'd be gassing britain. ;)
Home. Steady day. Not too crazy. Managed to eat everything listed except the soup. Tata in the oven. Made routine appt at the quack for my back. God knows what they'll do if anything lol.
Morning Claire, so how are you today/
Soraya I'll pm ya Hun.

Food today -

Little orange, plum, four strawberries n blueberries in a Tupperware tub
Cod cakes, boiled tata's, peas n baked beans

Work was busy n random. Back achy n sore.

Hope ur all well?
I can share the pain with your back, me and a sleeping bag on a camp mat thing are not what you call being in heaven!

I've just made the gammon loaf - I reckon it'll make a neat packing up :)
Lol I don't do camping in any form these days. Jim was the pongo, i was in the more civilised service hey jim ;-)

Stick a piccy up Sez, love to see it.