Gold Member
Baked beans
N another ml... Had already opened it before thinking of beans lol. Will pop t'asda tmoz me thinks.
roosnanny said:haha mardy it
well i'm just being silly,was realllllllllllllllly looking forward to my bread,and it made me gag literately (sp) goodness knows why,
my celeriac roasts were edible but soggy.
TOTM has walked in and smaked me in the gob (tmi) sorry
just was not expecting that tonightbelly is like a balloon
can taste ketones,but stupidly tested on a stick,and no reading,
so i was almost like well sod it lets have a tail spin,but i haven't
i'm sitting on lappie reading about you lot,which will save me i know ! ! and one of the kids cheesed me right off and i've grounded her for 2 weeks.
wow all in an afternoon.