** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Morning all.

Wi this morning, a day early is -2.8lbs! :) No idea if it's water weight or a lil piece of flab tho. Just have to keep going n c what happens I guess. But nice to finally have lost something.

Brekkie -

Oatsosimple with milk, blueberries n 3 chopped strawbs - hex a n b
Tea with milk n sweetener

Need some salad type things in as back to work tmoz. Boooo. So will either get the car out n go t'asda or pop over the road to co-op for the basics.
Blimey, u lot r quiet today!

Food for today -

Oatsosimple with milk, strawbs n blueberries - hex a n b
Cockles in vinegar
Curly wurly choc bar - 6 syns
Portion of a slow cooker jobbie with new tata's - Chopped beef pieces, can of toms, chopped onion, two red peppers chopped n sprinkled with a pack of the particular seasoning thing - Guessing at a couple of syns per portion?

Got a wheatabix cake cooking at the mo which apparently serves 12 n is 3.5 syns a slice. I'd imagine my slices will be bigger tho!
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Good one with the loss, hope I have one too - I've been good and not been standing on the scales every day!!!

Can't be many syns in the seasoning. Try not to eat all the weetabix cake at once - I've nearly eaten all the jello I made yesterday (had to share with the kids) thankfully it seems to be syn free on both counts.
My official wi day is mon but I'm up at 5.30 tmoz so I'll probs forget or be gutted as only get half a nights sleep when I lose weight lol. Best of luck Hun! Lemme know how u do.

Don't worry Bout the jelly. Syn free is good :)


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haha mardy bums....like it
well i'm just being silly,was realllllllllllllllly looking forward to my bread,and it made me gag literately (sp) goodness knows why,
my celeriac roasts were edible but soggy.
TOTM has walked in and smaked me in the gob (tmi) sorry
just was not expecting that tonight :confused: belly is like a balloon
can taste ketones,but stupidly tested on a stick,and no reading,:confused:
so i was almost like well sod it lets have a tail spin,but i haven't
i'm sitting on lappie reading about you lot,which will save me i know ! ! and one of the kids cheesed me right off and i've grounded her for 2 weeks.
wow all in an afternoon.
roosnanny said:
haha mardy bums....like it
well i'm just being silly,was realllllllllllllllly looking forward to my bread,and it made me gag literately (sp) goodness knows why,
my celeriac roasts were edible but soggy.
TOTM has walked in and smaked me in the gob (tmi) sorry
just was not expecting that tonight :confused: belly is like a balloon
can taste ketones,but stupidly tested on a stick,and no reading,:confused:
so i was almost like well sod it lets have a tail spin,but i haven't
i'm sitting on lappie reading about you lot,which will save me i know ! ! and one of the kids cheesed me right off and i've grounded her for 2 weeks.
wow all in an afternoon.

Oh sheesh! Bless ya huni bun.
Well totm could explain the tum aspect so keep neckin the fluids (legal ones!) n it should diminish some. U should also hopefully get a visit from the whooshie fairy afterwards too.
Celeriac. Chips n roasties can take a few goes to perfect my dear. It's a case of trial n error to find what temp/fat etc works best for u. Did u par boil before roasting or not? The size of the chunks can play a part too.
The big K. If u taste ketones, don't feel massively hungry n perhaps have energy u will be in k. Sod the sticks lovey. They're an indication only. U could be using all ur ketones n so have none left to expend in ur wee wee n so stick won't register. Believe in ur body not the sticks.
Stick with it. Don't chuck in the towel. Itll only make u feel bad. Read our nonsense n take ur mind off ur day my dear. As the saying goes, these things are sent to try us! Sending u a hug x
you are such a sensible darling,and sooooooo right.
going to get another glass of water.
Fantastic news on the loss Claire !!! Well done cherub! Xx
God I know what that's like and it's so frustrating and depressing !! X
Thanks susie! Blimey I've not been called that in years! Haha. Made me smile.

Fingers crossed I lose again next week lol.

Here's the wheatabix n sultana cakey thing. It's a bit like bread n butter pudding consistency. Cut into 8 rather than 12 so makes it 5 syns a piece rather than 3.5.


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