** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Morning Claire... Maybe the meds hold water? You are suffering so much- I'm so sorry! I can't take tramadol as I get too spaced out and constipated! Hope it sorts itself out soon...

Take care and take it easy ... Pain is so wearing and brings you down ... Hugs xxx
((hugs)) claire so sorry the pain not going away - hope you get some insight and ideas soon!
Morning Claire, sorry to hear that love
Afternoon Claire, thats a bugger on the weight :( and the pain - we will try and keep up the spirits (polish vodka included lol) for you xxx
Oh Claire, I hope you start feeling much better soon......!!

British summertime begins in 17 days!!! Now that's something to be happy about :)

J x

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hello sugar
I missed most of yesterday, came home, went to Guides, got a stinker headache and that was me done.
I've had a totally needing of sugar day today - just had a thorntons white chocolate bar, had fudge at work and a shortbread biscuit, so I guess I may be joining you in the poundage brigade. Can't face any more, feel I have overdosed on sugar lol

co-codamol doesn't touch my back pain, I'm stuck with dihydrocodeine - some days I could happily wander around with a morphine drip lol (after having my girl innards out last year and on one of those, my back was great!)

As to you my dear, I'd concentrate on getting your back sorted, your food lists are fine and, as we know so well, our bodies are a complete mystery.
hugglesnuggles lovely,obviously my powers of absent healing
are not getting to you, so we all need to get together at
9.30 and visualise claire looking wonderfully better.
Bah. Managed to cut my thumb open on someone's gate at a job in work. It dripped claret lol. N now it's swollen n sore to bend.

Food yesterday -

Oatsosimple, milk n narna - hex a n b
2 x lil oranges
Jelly yog - 1 syn
Roasted veg couscous - 1 syn
Pork stir fry - pork steaks, pack of mixed stir fry veg, pack of rice n sauce - few syns for sauce

No food in so tonight in work may be a compromise.

Wheatabix n milk - hex a n b
Veg couscous - 1 syn
Jelly yog - 1 syn
Extra wheatabix - 4 syns
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ooowwwiee so I have a vision of the cartoon thumb now with it the bandage around it! I certainly don't envy you what with your bumps and bruises :(
It's not feeling as hot as it was n the redness has gone down


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Ouch!!!!! Your in the wars again Clluuuurrrrrrrr...

J x

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At the time I had to just whack a plaster on quick as it was dripping lol. Once back from the job I washed it n used an alcohol wipe. Sprayed it out with savalon wound wash several times since n it's plastered up for work at the mo. At least the swellings gone down a bit so it's not as bad to bend now. Lol. Im a narna.