** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

move to scotland both of ye!none o that malarkey going on up here..brother in law and sis in law both do the same as you!
Morning Claire, my daughter was a special before she joined up as well
Heya. Met mum for a flat white with soy milk at costa. Then have done my first clothes shopping in months, if not years. Have been too skint but now at the point where I literally need clothes lol. Bought two dresses n two tops from dotty p's.
dresses :) gosh I've not got any of them lol seem to live in trousers during sloth days, work I may get a skirt out in the summer ;)
Evening Claire... Think you ought to get that thumb looked at again... You might need Antibiots!! Just be careful... An infection can take hold if you're run down xxx
I'll praps take some piccies if u like Sez?

Di ur very right my dear. Done a couple of salt water soaks.. Should do a few more maybe. Couldn't get in at docs. Back to work sun too :-(
I'm a terrible shopper, if I get stuff it is usually when grocery shopping ;) asda... tesco...!!

ditto on the thumb, keep soaking it :)

Docs are a nightmare, I tried to make an appointment for 7 days from my x-ray - now't, nada, diddlysquat. So, will try closer to the 7 days and there 'might be' a cancellation, hahahaha
Got to the point where I would rather spend money on clothes and playing out than food. That is good, right ;) xx

Get the thumb looked at please, infection is not funny xxxx
I think it feels a lil better today. Reckon the salty soaks are helping :) But yes if no better by mon I'll re-try the quack n c if there's owt free. It's a strange concept to me having to wait n also pay for prescriptions... One decent thing bout the forces.
omg do england still have to pay for prescriptions? I thought everyone was free now, must just be scotland
Yes we bloody do!! £7.40 per item too!! Not per prescription.....Our government are robbing bar stewards!!!

Morning Claire!!! Or should I say goodnight, just climbing into my pit after nights!

Amazing though as for the first time in ever I wasn't tired at all last night!!

J x

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thats shocking!! even before it was free up here it was £5 per item!
yet another reason for you all to move to bonnie scotland!
Lo all.

Late rise today as was up playing on my pc till late lol. Back on the wagon from today so about to pop up the market for fruit n veg. Gonna try do w/o tata's this week n aim to up water levels. My basic plan is oat s-s with milk for brekkie (hex a n b taken care of), fruit throughout the day n tea I'm gonna pop to Iceland or herons n get a load of ww frozen meals n then bulk out with a load of veg. It's just dinners I'm not sure of...
It's such a pain isn't it Hun. Esp as I might be in the middle of nowhere at the time. I'm looking up sw risotto recipes atm. Might cook a batch up. One says chopped tomatoes but I dunno if that's a can of em or a load chopped up?