Hi Claire, good luck with finding a started and pudding to have. I worry about eating out on Atkins, i like being able to count my carbs properly rather than guesstimating them. x
Enjoy your carvery Claire, personally I only ever manage the carvery itself, lots of veggies yum, and don't even think about a starter or a pud! Always look on in amazement at my OH stuffing herself with some stodgy pud lol
Well i'm back from my Gdad's bday dinner out. Was a fairly good girl.
D. Small prawn cocktail starter (minus the bread n butter), roast beef, brocolli, cauli, 1 yorkie (palmed the other one n all the roast taties off to my bro), gravy, spoon horseradish sauce. No pudding. Coffee with cream. Half glass rose.
I'm feeling quite proud of myself considering what was on offer. Plus it's the second meal i've eaten since friday.
Thanks Bren I do feel quite pleased with myself to be honest. Yes i know i should have left the yorkie but hey, i avoided the bread, i only had a couple swigs of rose, i avoided the mash, i avoided the peas n carrots, i avoided the puddings. So all in all i think i did ok. I drank water throughout the meal too.
Still feeling a little under the weather but better than yesterday. Bloody boiler's still knackered atm tho so it's a lil chilly at home. May have to dig out the fan heater for a bit.
Hope you're having a good day hun??
I hate this time of year, V-Day may as well be D-Day to me. I've been dumped twice on it. The last being the night before it last year. I've had one bloody card in my whole sodding life n that was in the last year of blimmin Primary school. So feeling a bit meh n lonely atm. Not like me really.
Bren, thanks so much hun, i really appreciate that. Just feeling really fed up with being on my tod atm. I think it may be the time of year. I'm not normally one to feel sorry for myself and i do try to think of all the positive things i've got going on in my life but just don't feel complete somehow right now.
I know, but it is better to be on your own that putting up with someone who is not right for you or does not appreciate you - I know it feels horrid - especially tomorrow - but lets face it, Valentines Day is just a media created event to make money lol - not worth the worry xx
Yes i quite agree with you there. Just frustrating that you see all these people as you wander round town n you think 'surely if they can be with someone, i can'. Yet then yes i also understand that we're never aware of what's simmering away under the surface so that all that appears well on the outside isn't necessarily like that when behind closed doors. I'm sure it's just a phase i'm going through, or maybe the bodyclock ticking. Or both. I'll be reet in time i'm sure.
I think Ive managed 2 Valentines Day cards Claire and both of them were from long term bfs so youre not alone. There are plenty of decent guys out there but sometimes you have to sift through quite a few not so decent guys to find them. Thats not something that happens overnight. Believe me I married one of the worst!
I'm 29 and still get a valentines card from my mum! I'd like to be with someone, too - bodyclock definitely ticking - and it can be a lonely old time of year, but at the end of the day it's just a manufactured holiday and there are more single people than couples out there, so we're not alone in being alone.