Thankfully this one doesn't seem to bad atm jim. Took some brufen n will keep neckin fluids.
British_Claire_84 Gold Member 4 May 2011 #1,161 Thankfully this one doesn't seem to bad atm jim. Took some brufen n will keep neckin fluids.
Jim Big Boy 4 May 2011 #1,162 I once worked with a Colonel who suffered very badly, you could see it coming in his eyes Claire, poor man, his career really suffered.
I once worked with a Colonel who suffered very badly, you could see it coming in his eyes Claire, poor man, his career really suffered.
ladyfelsham Back to SW again 4 May 2011 #1,164 Sorry about the migraine, they can be dreadful things! Hope you feel better soon.
Q Quak Gold Member 4 May 2011 #1,166 Only 3 hours to finish, hope it hasn't been too bad and the migraine subsided xxx
British_Claire_84 Gold Member 5 May 2011 #1,168 Ur a lady to me n a laverly one at that lol Just pulled up at home Bren love. Nice change to be off on time! Now for a mug of horlicks in me pit, watch a bit of tele then sleep of this nausea n groggy head.
Ur a lady to me n a laverly one at that lol Just pulled up at home Bren love. Nice change to be off on time! Now for a mug of horlicks in me pit, watch a bit of tele then sleep of this nausea n groggy head.
British_Claire_84 Gold Member 5 May 2011 #1,170 Heya jim, yeah it's pretty much done one now... Lazy day today, nights tonight
British_Claire_84 Gold Member 5 May 2011 #1,174 You'll be cozy in yours tonight susie n I'll be trudging the streets all night lol. But yeah, roll on 7am sat cos I'll be off then too!
You'll be cozy in yours tonight susie n I'll be trudging the streets all night lol. But yeah, roll on 7am sat cos I'll be off then too!
Q Quak Gold Member 5 May 2011 #1,179 Hope you have a nice quiet night, maybe the rain will keep them all indoors out of trouble - fingers crossed xxx
Hope you have a nice quiet night, maybe the rain will keep them all indoors out of trouble - fingers crossed xxx