** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Hi Claire, hope you are looking after yourself
Heya u lovely lasses. Just home from work. Last shift tmoz n on a 2500-2300 again. One plus point of the new shift pattern is normally finishing earlier going onto rest day's :)
Evening claire - enjoy your break:)
Going for a curry in town thurs night with the family for my brothers Bday. So that'll be nice. Gotta sort a prezzie for him before that.

Evening lady x
I hazza new baby moggy!!


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Prrr. What a cutie:D
She's a lil girl, 10 weeks old. Handed in at mums dogs vets at deaths door. She's also deaf so can't go outside so being a house cat is a must for her. Was wanting a rescue cat for my flat but felt bad keeping one indoors if it's perfectly fit n healthy. At least with her there's a reason she's gotta stay indoors so I don't feel bad. No name as yet, only had her 24hrs. Open to suggestions!! Favourites atm are Kitty or Daisy.
Aw white cats are often deaf and good to keep indoors because they are prone to skin cancer.
You want a name with connections to being white. Snowball? Ooh how about Blanche? I should warn you I had cats called Delbert Wilkins (he was black but this may be a bit before your time lol) and a persian/siamese called Shanghai Lil :D
Very gorgeous kitty! Would love one... :)
Ooooh Claire she's so gorgeous - demands a famous blonde star name - Marilyn (as in Monroe)? Madonna? Britney - as in...errr... perhaps not lol