** Claire's low carb blah blah chit chat gabbing **

Can't wait for piccies of new hair, I have no ideas about websites sorry, mine has been very much the same for many years and always very short............

Has K kicked in for you yet Claire? xxx
Only a couple pieces of cheese so far. Just had a combat kip before work. Time for a brew n a shake whilst sitting in my massage chair for a few mins then dragging my arse in the shower.
Evening claire. Loking forward to hair piccies:D
Thinking of something like this for the style. My hairs currently choc brown with a plummy sheen. Thinking of having half head of highlights to break up the colour n accentuate the layers I want putting in. It's current long n all one length, side parting n no fringe.


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your hair sounds exactly like mine lol all one length side parting no fringe lol except I dye mines black lol
Yep... I'd agree with Susie :)
mines is out a bottle...im way too thrifty to have it done at a salon
Hmm tea was a kebab. Lamb n chicken breast shish grilled, mayo, lettuce n cucumber. The meat was lovely n tender. Bit of a theme occurring here being a shake or two a day n a low carb meal. Dunno if it's ok or not but have felt better since doing it.
Bah. Home from work but the brains still churning so can't sleep. On the plus side my tummy is still happy after the lamb n chicken earlier, nicely content rather than growly hungry. Mixed feelings about it going on in my head. The main one being I was gonna move over properly to low carb in the end but it seems to be creeping in sooner n agreeing with me n my body which is good in that I can eat real food but bad in that I paid £100 for a months supply of exante stuff n not sure I'll lose anything combining both. Arr.
You need to keep that meal to low cal, can't remember if it's 400 or 600, then it's Working Solution and you should lose around 10lb per month. It also means that the month supply of Exante (at 3 products per day) will last more like 50 or so days lol. At least you wont feel you've wasted money on it if you do that and lose those 10 bigguns :D
i thought it was low cal and low carb??
I can only find the book about Simple Solution which is 3 products and 600 cal meal/snacks and it doesn't mention carbs, it may do for working solution (can't find that book lol) but the 'C' in VLCD stands for Calorie not Carb so would make sense. Also in the snack section they recommend wholegrain toast and crackers so they're not low carb. I could be wrong as it's a long time since I did it.
Right I found the book. Ignore my first post as I clearly have NO idea what I'm talking about, I blame the fact that I've pickled my brain over the past year lol. Working Solution is 3 products plus 400 cal meal chosing from 1 x protein, 1 x fruit, 1 x dairy, 4 x veg/salad from a list of allowed products. The allowed products are pretty much low carb by default (veg and salad you would have on Atkins induction, ie not onion, carrots, tomatoes) but sadly Claire the mayo and lamb are not on the list ;) I was going to suggest a chicken kebab with lettuce, cucumber and no dressing but a portion of protein is only 75-100g on Exante. But at least you're in ketosis so shouldn't be hungry, thank god for small mercies eh?!!
I used the last of my Exante up doing similar to what you are doing Claire but keeping to low carb/low cal for whatever I ate. I was losing while I was doing it but not as fast as with the Exante only obviously. Hope that helps xx