Hi Hon, have just had a browse through ur food diary....and it's made me very hungry.. - not good at 10 in the morning! lol... No , seriously, uve got some nice menus in there, and you seem to cram so much more into ur points than I manage to!
Thanks for all ur lovely comments in my diary

Sorry for not responding sooner, I sort of forgot about my ww diary!!!
Thursday I had a bit more than planned, but not too bad, Friday was odd
B - bagel with lf spread and ww marmalade - 4
L - breaded fish and chips, and mayo (ate out) - I pointed it at about 9, adn think it may have been less, but will give it 9
I then had a Caramac bar - 5 OMG, and its so thin and easy to eat!!!!
I had tuna toast pizzas for supper - 6
so over points - by about 2, including milk and apple!
Not so bad really. I can pull that back this week.
I will stick to lower points Mon onwards.
Today - 9th Oct
B - bagel 3, lf cheese spread 1, cuke 0 - 4
L - 4 Aldi crispbreads 1, mackerel in tom sauce 2.5 - 3.5
S - apple .5, choc and orange bar 1 - 1.5
MILK - 1
TOTAL - 10, OH supposed to be cooking dinner, and its a surprise, so have 13 left to cover that and a glass of wine.
Will let you know tomorrow. x
OH did - a small greek style salad 3, roast lamb 4, roasted veg 1, potatoes 1.5, and I had some after 8's, cheese on crackers and wine!! Oh and a handful of bombay mix

but will tighten up on points this week to make up for it Twas a lovely evening.