Clothes exchange - lets getting swapping ready for the party season xxx

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Hi kate,
would you mind sending pic's of:
purple tunic top Dp 12
grey dress/tunic next 12
red hoody new look 10
thanks x x
Piccies attached - clothes are a bit creased as I have had them all in a not so neat bag waiting to be listed! I will de-crease though if anyone wants anything.
Alos, please ignore dodgy bedding in our spare room! :eek:

Please note - the DP purple top says 12 on the actual label but 12 on the price label! So your guess is as good as mine - but I would say 12 as that is what is sewn in??


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Hi Katerpillar!

I would be very interested in H&M 14 Black dress, Ethel Austin grey cardi 12/14, Primark grey trousers 14, primark blacjk trousers 14, next wideleg jeans 14.

I could look at some photos if you've got them, or if it's too much hassle, I could take them all and repost anything on here that doesn't fit? I have some money in my paypal account so I can send you the postage.

Obviously if you already promised any of these to any one else that's fine, but I'll take whatever you can spare of those items. The trousers and stuff will come in handy as I'm going back to uni as a student doctor so will need to dress quite smart!

Thanks so much! What size are you now? Just that I am getting rid of some smaller stuff at the moment that I've decided I'll probably never wear again!

Many thanks!

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Hiya Roxie,

I've attached the pictures for you in case you don’t like the look of any of them! The dress is a sort of ruffle - not sure if you can see it very well from the picture.
Let me know if you definitely want them and I'll sort out postage tomorrow :D

I am a size 10 in just about most things now - can squeeze into an 8 in a couple - well I could until I starte to go off track recently! What size stuff do you have?


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Piccies attached - clothes are a bit creased as I have had them all in a not so neat bag waiting to be listed! I will de-crease though if anyone wants anything.
Alos, please ignore dodgy bedding in our spare room! :eek:

Please note - the DP purple top says 12 on the actual label but 12 on the price label! So your guess is as good as mine - but I would say 12 as that is what is sewn in??

I would love the purple DP top please? :)
Hiya Roxie,

I've attached the pictures for you in case you don’t like the look of any of them! The dress is a sort of ruffle - not sure if you can see it very well from the picture.
Let me know if you definitely want them and I'll sort out postage tomorrow :D

I am a size 10 in just about most things now - can squeeze into an 8 in a couple - well I could until I starte to go off track recently! What size stuff do you have?

Cool I'll pm you .x
Piccies attached - clothes are a bit creased as I have had them all in a not so neat bag waiting to be listed! I will de-crease though if anyone wants anything.
Alos, please ignore dodgy bedding in our spare room! :eek:

Please note - the DP purple top says 12 on the actual label but 12 on the price label! So your guess is as good as mine - but I would say 12 as that is what is sewn in??
I would like them please :D
how much would the postage be? x x
Hiya Roxie,

I've attached the pictures for you in case you don’t like the look of any of them! The dress is a sort of ruffle - not sure if you can see it very well from the picture.
Let me know if you definitely want them and I'll sort out postage tomorrow :D

I am a size 10 in just about most things now - can squeeze into an 8 in a couple - well I could until I starte to go off track recently! What size stuff do you have?

Can't believe I missed that black dress! LOL! Do you still have the white halterneck vest top (14)? x
Can't believe I missed that black dress! LOL! Do you still have the white halterneck vest top (14)? x

Dress is still going chick - do you want it? And yes still got halterneck - it's very casual - more like a holiday top - I'll pop a piccie up xx
Dress is still going chick - do you want it? And yes still got halterneck - it's very casual - more like a holiday top - I'll pop a piccie up xx

Here you go my lovely:


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Updated list attached.​

Pictures available upon request :D


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PM for you hun xx
Thanks hun, are the black linen trousers from george taken? x x
If not could I have those as well as the 3 tops?? :D
That would be great!
yessssssssssss! PLEASE!!!! (won't be able to get in it for another month at least - but it's SO nice!!!)

pm me about postage... whooo it looks lush! It's okay about the halterneck.. I think I have the same (or really similiar one) I don't even know why I asked about it knowing damn well I have about THREE white halterneck holiday tops! hahaha.

One which will hopefuly be going soon :D

Deffo need to sort out my wadrobes... keep saying I will be argh!
Final clear out,

Pic 2 is a sundress (needs a button for the strap but it goes inside the dress so any button will do) the straps can be halter neck cross back or normal, generous size 24

Pic 2 Dress fully lined silky/floaty longish size 20

Pic 3 Velvet jacket (lightweight jacker rather than a coat jacket) generous size 20

Pic 4 mock wrap Principles dress jersey fairly heavyweight generous size 20


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I would be interested in the dress in pic 2 Welshcake. It looks lovely and I have a special antiques fair in the 15th of this month and still have not found anything. I have the perfect black shrug to go with it. It is the silky one.

I would gladly pay for it and the postage.
I would be interested in the dress in pic 2 Welshcake. It looks lovely and I have a special antiques fair in the 15th of this month and still have not found anything. I have the perfect black shrug to go with it. It is the silky one.

I would gladly pay for it and the postage.

Yes its very silky its 45% silk (think the other 55% is rayon) thats why I've not ironed it, it has an unusual floaty slighty on a slant hemline, if you want it I can post it out tomorrow :) Or let me know if you want more pics and I'll try my best lol x
Thank you so much.

Would you like my address?? I will mail it to you. If I have a problem I will PM you.
Let me know how much I owe you and your address and I will get it to you. My sis. in the U.K. will send you what I owe you.

I think it looks lovely and I love silk.
selwonk said:
Some here from me.

Any that remain unclaimed will be eBayed or charity shopped :)

1. Pale Yellow linen cropped trousers (BNWT) George @ asda size 22
2. Long deep pink jumper dress. v neck with 2 front pockets. I always wore with leggings. George @ asda size 22.
3. Purple polo neck jumper. Never worn. George @ asda size 22.
4. Long sleeved round neck casual top in pink. Dorothy Perkins size 20 (bit worn but will do the job!).
5. Long navy blue top with White hearts and spots. Thick elastic round bottom and elasticated neck/sleeves. I usually wore with leggings. Inspire at new look size 24.
6. Grey 3/4 sleeved scoop neck casual top. Dorothy Perkins size 20.
7. Grey & White striped long sleeved round neck top. South size 22.

They might need the iron running over too but all are clean and wearable!

PM please if interested x

Hi guys, no interest in these??

If not, I'll be doing charity shop run tomorrow so last chance today' Xx
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