Food today
Oss 3pp
Milk for the day 5pp (porridge hotdrinks)
Mid morn
Pasta 5pp
Cucumber tomato and spring onion 0pp
Apple 0pp
Yogurt 3pp
Soya burger 2pp
Rice 6pp
Veg 0pp
Grapes 0pp
Melba toast and cheese triangle 3pp
Daily : 27/36
Looking GoodWhich Milk do you use? Which OSS did you have today? X
I use plain skimmed, had a latte today so thats why I have extra milk pp. I had the golden syrup, only packets I have for now lol xxx
Ha ha. I dont have stupidly milky porridge dont worryI just allow for it a the beginning forget other wise. My treat tonight is gonna be a twirl mmmm. Me and the other half have been planning our adventures In dubai, gettin more and more.excited!
Also, a big.reason for put on alot of weight in a short time was that my uniform was tight, I wore it today (at least 8lbs down) and its so.much more comfy. Was over the moon to feel a change so soonxxx
Dubai has a very very special place in my heart, I just know you will have a fab time. Is that a 5pp or 6pp Twirl ;-) Great news about the uniform, I realised I was putting on weight when the scales starting saying "one at a time please" lol! X
Ooo whys that if u don't mind me asking? Is it nice? Never been anywhere like it before. I had 1finger of 2 finger bar ( 4 lots of 2finger bars in a packet.. so im not sure!!) I over pp'd it as I only had half tho!
If its a Multipack Bar,it's 3pp for 1 Finger, 5pp for 2 FingersMy Brother lived in Dubai, he sadly passed away in March 2012 before I had a chance to visit, life is too short, I always made reasons to not go and now it's too late so I hope you both have a fab time. X
Aw im so sorry to hear that serena. Life can be very cruelxx
Indeed it is but if 2012 taught me anything, it's that you must seize the Moment, between March and October, I lost my Brother, my Nan and had a Car Accident! X
Oh gosh what a year that was for u.
October is nearly out the way now at least. I lost 2 of my nearest and dearest a few months apart and it feels like the world has ended doesnt It. It was one of their 4yr anniversary since they passed and I really cant believe Its been that long. I went into a depression and came out 3st heavier :/
Food yesterday (didnt have time ti update)
B: 1x weetabic 2pp
Milk 5pp
L: veg 0pp cabbage courgette onion
Rice 4pp
T: egg 2pp
2xLM sausages 3pp
Jacket pot 6pp
Beans 4pp
Cheese 4pp
I didnt eat between 8am and 5pm (not helping my low blood sugars I.know Ruby :/) was at uni all day long then I got in and the front garden needed sweeping etc before dark as it was looking hurrendous after the storm. So had my lunch very late and ended up on abit of a binge..
Ok so I ate : biscuits 8pp
Magnum 6pp
Twirl 3pp choc overload..
I have plenty of weeklies so it's not the end of the world, my fault for not putting my meals first.
Total 36/36. Weeklies: 26/49
Food today (31/10/13
B: 2x weetabix 3pp
Milk 3pp
L: its stew day
Veg 0pp
Parsnip 1pp
Yorkiea 4pp
T: remaining stew (my food options are so boring I know!)
Veg 0pp
Parsnip 1pp
Not sure how many yorkies are left in the freezer!
Total : 12/36
Will edit later![]()
Oh I'll eat my dailies dont u worry... lol.. theres more magnums in the freezer.. shouldn't have got them! Wi tomorrrow! No I've never cooked it, wouldn't know what to do with it! My mum used to do it and it was very yummy. Is it good for pp value? X
It's excellent pp value, 12g for 1pp which swells up to LOADS in the stew! I normally put double in for two portions so it only adds 1pp per serving. Do you make your Stew in the Slow Cooker, Hob or Oven? X PS-I love Magnums, don't think I'd trust myself with a Box either! How are u feeling about WI? Ill be facing the scales too! X