Coffeelovers Under 10lbs To Go

Evening Val xx
Morning all, going crazy and constantly making list in my head. We leave very early Wednesday morning.

Not really doing any plan atm, but have only gained 2lbs. going to keep my carbs at around 50 so should shift a few. Also going to eat veggie as much as possible. Need to fit into my summer trousers without looking like the middle age frump that I am and as of yesterday it wasn't a pretty sight lol.

Got up early and did the shred so the push is on.

Weather glorious yesterday finally!! Worked but home by 3 so got some time reading outside.

A mountain of clean laundry now it needs ironing and packed. Anyone love ironing?

Have a good day everyone.

I'm working but if anyone wants to creep in and iron, I'll leave the front door open. xx
...erm, I'll pass on the ironing, if it's all the same to you :p (if you find someone that enjoys it, send 'em to me next!)

Well done on the shredding and good luck getting into the trousers - people seem to lose inches pretty quick on the 30DS, so with a bit of low carbing to boot, you should get there.

Hope the sun continues to shine up there in bonnie Scotland!xx
Afternoon all, a busy day out and about with son. A bottle of rose in the freezer should be just about chilled now. A fire going ( yes it's not hot here) and going to park myself there with my vino. There is a hint of sun in the sky, but very windy, so making it feel cooler than it is.

Found myself on Atkins induction this week, honestly, it's to the point where I can't remember what woe I'm doing from one day to the next. So not posting food anywhere even mfp atm. Don't know how the crisps and wine are I'm about to have will fit into induction, but here goes. Been ages since I've had any alcohol and so looking forward to it.

Going to pack tomorrow and so looking forward to the break.

Have a good weekend everyone. x
Sounds like a lovely evening - and enjoy the rose - have you read the Jamie Ivey triology about selling rose to the French? Briliant - "Extremely Pale Rose" is the first one.

Know what you mean about the food too - I had a JuDDD day yesterday, a carby brekkie and an Atkins lunch :D

Gonna miss you :( xxx
Will check the trilogy out, you've got great taste in books and tv;)

I'll miss you too Susie :( Think a trip to London when I get back to forget about my woes is in order :)
Awww - and Orby says back -

"Auntie Val I'll help you with the ironing, look....!"

Morning Val, well nearly there!
I'm back on Atkins too, all got too complicated as too many carbs were starting to creep back in.
Sunshine here for the moment but apparently that is going to change and then lots of rain..... Marvellous!
Have a good day x
Morning all, Manic and crazy with leaving wednesday, so don't know if I'll get on to update my diary again until last week in august, although will catch up with everyone's diary tonight. :D

Basically packed and ready, and spending the day getting it finished. Working tomorrow so must be ready to go very early wednesday am.

Woke at 3 and didn't get back to sleep so early night tonight.

diet wise, not doing one atm, just not going crazy and eating normal (whatever that is lol)

Have a lovely summer/holiday/whatever your up to. Love you all xx;)
Have a fab time Val......we are off on holibobs 3 weeks today too!!! Can't wait :)

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