Hi Jim & Dietkitty
Yes I've tried the Mim's they are ok. I prefer to make the savoury mix and make a slice of bread occassionally. Well about once a week, does me.
My doggies are Bruno who is a full black labrador and Bonnie who is a golden labrador x collie. Bruno is almost 3 we got him as a pup from a breeder. Bonnie had a rougher start to life, we were her 3rd home at 4 months of age (she's about 14 months now), and she looked all ribs, definately underweight. She had cat scratches on her nose, and on the way home she vommitted in my car loads of chicken bones. I'm so glad she got on with Bruno to bring her home and nurse her back to health. Even if she hadn't I think I would have took her anyway and took her to a shelter. Some people shouldn't have animals. Glad there are animal lovers on here, I have met alot of nice people just by walking my dogs.
Got weighed today and stayed the same. That's ok. As I said on the weighin thread I had done a cheeky midweek weigh in and had gained 3lbs, so I'm back to where I was last week, so I really am fine about it. I look a bit better and my energy is up so that's good.
Had a rejection letter this morning for a job I interviewed for. Didn't really like the place when I went, but at the moment I'm pretty skint so would take anything. So I'm feeling a bit crappy about that. So I'm gonna go off and have my lunch and then do a nice country walk with the doggies. They will love it and it will get me over my funk about not getting the job.