Cokes- back to it

Morning. It's amazing how quickly your walking minutes are adding up. I'm sure you've probably already said by what sort of dogs are they? Quite s few dog lovers on here. 5 of us even went to crufts together this year.
Hi Jim & Dietkitty

Yes I've tried the Mim's they are ok. I prefer to make the savoury mix and make a slice of bread occassionally. Well about once a week, does me.

My doggies are Bruno who is a full black labrador and Bonnie who is a golden labrador x collie. Bruno is almost 3 we got him as a pup from a breeder. Bonnie had a rougher start to life, we were her 3rd home at 4 months of age (she's about 14 months now), and she looked all ribs, definately underweight. She had cat scratches on her nose, and on the way home she vommitted in my car loads of chicken bones. I'm so glad she got on with Bruno to bring her home and nurse her back to health. Even if she hadn't I think I would have took her anyway and took her to a shelter. Some people shouldn't have animals. Glad there are animal lovers on here, I have met alot of nice people just by walking my dogs.

Got weighed today and stayed the same. That's ok. As I said on the weighin thread I had done a cheeky midweek weigh in and had gained 3lbs, so I'm back to where I was last week, so I really am fine about it. I look a bit better and my energy is up so that's good.

Had a rejection letter this morning for a job I interviewed for. Didn't really like the place when I went, but at the moment I'm pretty skint so would take anything. So I'm feeling a bit crappy about that. So I'm gonna go off and have my lunch and then do a nice country walk with the doggies. They will love it and it will get me over my funk about not getting the job.
Hi Susie and Thanks. I may post how many miles I do a day and add them up at the end of the month. I have a cheapy pedometer only cost me a couple of pound from ebay. If you have one and do some walking let me know how you get on. That My Fitness Pal site is good. I can't believe the calories I'm burning doing something I'm enjoying, especially in all of the nice weather. Will start tomorrow with the mile count although it would have been good to start today being the start of the month and all! In fact no I'll put the pedometer on for this evenings walk. Every little counts (and I don't even shop at Tesco, lol).

I started a thread about the many benefits of walking and also of using a pedometer! Fantastic and so motivating.

Good luck x
Aw how lovely. My Mum has my dog when we go on holiday and she's always amazed at how many people talk to her when she's got Emma with her. Mind you my dog is a bit of a conversation starter as she has no tail and people ask why and she also has an enourmous lump on her shoulder which is just a fat lump. Not to mention the 'what breed is she' question because she looks like a short legged black lab. She's probably a lab crossed with a springer. I say probably because I rescued her 10 years ago so we can't be sure.
Wow Dietkitty I bet your dog has loads of energy if crossed with a springer. It is lovely talking to people when out and about with them. My Bruno got lumpy after he got bit by a Yorkie, so the vets operated as they were worried, didn't put proper drainage in the first time so had to operate again. All before he was 1. I kind of wish we'd left it alone poor thing, luckily he was insured as it was well over £2000 by the time they'd finished. I think lumps and bumps often add character. We used to know a dog called Bear (sadly since died) who was a heinz 57, and he was old and lost a bit of fur and walked like an old man but he had such character everyone around here loved him. I love how each dog has their own personality. They cheered me up on my walk with them before, even though it rained. I only ever really hate the ice, any other weather condition is fine by me.
I tried Celeriac today after seeing that Clairecat had made chips from it. It is gorgeous! Can't believe Ive never had this before.
Walking time for today up to 110 mins, should add at least another half an hour later on
Ok, got my other walk in with the doggies of 35 mins.
So mays total walk time is 610 mins.

Feeling sleepy, may go to bed soon
Tried to add a few pics of Bruno & Bonnie here but couldn't figure it out but I've managed on my profile page
Aw they're gorgeous! If you click 'Go Advanced' at the bottom there is a paperclip icon that allows you to attach photos. You can also add them directly to the post but I haven't worked that one out lol.
This is Emma doing her favourite thing.....sleeping!


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Evening :) good to see the walking is going well!
Morning Rachel, I had a pet springer when I was a young teenager, so much energy LOL, we went everwhere together
Morning All!

I've woke up feeling great. I have felt a wee bit grotty the last 2 mornings but didn't oversleep today so feel great.

Dietkitty, Emma looks lush. I love watching them when they are asleep, doing the twitchy thing, and occassionally barking in their sleep.

Katie, thanks, my walking is going really well. Think it may rain today but I'll be out any way :)

Quak, I like the name Finn. We have often pondered about getting a choclate lab too to kind of complete the set. I think now they are too much of a couple to introduce anyone else and sometimes its hard enough holding onto 2 of them. I think I will get a chocolate at some point in my life though, they look sweet.

I have started my day off well with breakfast. I'm off to the Dr's soon as they wouldn't give me a certain med on repeat so I have to go in. I have an occassional bowel problem like collitis so need steriods sometimes. Not great because if taken too often they make you gain weight and I normally don't sleep well when taking them. But it's better than the symptoms I'm getting! So I'll be there at least an hour and a half as the Dr always runs late. Means another walk upto the shops though so silver linings and all.

Hope everyone has a fab day, especially Mustdoit as it's her birthday!
I didn't post yesterday night with my walk count :eek:. I tucked myself up on my sofa with a bad head and stayed there all night :eek::eek:
Anyway I got in around 90 mins yesterday, which is a total of 700 mins for may so far.
Had the doggies out on their morning walk. Bruno picked up another tick. Not so long ago he'd only ever had one in his life, this season there seems to be loads around. I got it off him no problem as I hate the little suckers. I know it's because I walk them in fields & woody area but they've always been walked in these areas and it's never been this bad before.
Anyway, I better get off and burn some more calories doing some house work, I'm sure the dishes are breeding
I want to go for a walk, but it's really peeing down. Dogs are settled so not too much pressure to go out. I don't mind rain, but I feel so comfy and dry right now that it'd be a shame to spoil it right now.
My hubby is off to watch Newcastle at home and because it wasn't raining then he didn't wear a coat. He's gonna be soaked!
What to do now?
Aww Leanne my two are my children too. My life revolves around them, but they love me for it and follow me everywhere :D. I think all of us dog lovers should meet up and do a charity dog walk or something, and at the end have a massive atkins BBQ. Excuse for a party me thinks.
On a serious note I do really fancy having a party, well at least a vodka. I haven't had a drink in ages and I'm really fancying one. Have been the last few days. Wonder why.
Think I'll make a break for it now and attempt my walk as the rain here has calmed down a bit
Made it, had the doggies out for just over an hour and the rain stayed off. My pants are soaking up to my knees with the long grass but hey it was good