I didn't do my walk count yesterday again, Im so naughty. I managed 175 mins yesterday, which is a total of 875 mins for May so far. Woohoo
As its sunday I had lovely bacon, eggs and sausage for brekkie. Running out of supplies so I'm going shopping later and dragging the hubby with me so hopefully he can pick out a few things he wants. His diet went by the wayside days ago in terms of low carb, but he still isn't eating as much chocolate or anything so he's doing ok. It doesn't really bother me either making him jacket potato as I'm happy with my celeriac or broccoli, or cauliflower or cabbage. I'm eating a much bigger range of veggies than I would normally eat, so I'm feeling healthy.
I'm hoping to be able to go along and play hockey later if the husband lets me join in. They (him & his brother) play on roller blades as a substitute for ice hockey, but I hate roller blading and sold mine ages ago, so I'm trying to persude him to play just on foot. At least I'll be running around, and it's free as they just go to the high school grounds. I really fancy a few games of squash as well but squash courts are pretty expensive when you have no money! The money I do have I need to spend on food!
I hate being in this position I have worked since before leaving school, paid a fortune in tax every month and now because my husband works (not a great wage) I get virtually nothing in help from the government. What I do get is debt in the form of student loans and now all of the jobs I apply for either theres millions of people going for them so I have a very slim chance or if I go for more basic jobs I'm over qualified and they won't consider me! Argh! Wish I'd never gone to uni. Could have saved myself a lot of stress and debt and maybe I'd be able to afford a stupid game of squash! Rahhhh!
Ok, I'll get a grip.
Also if anyone in the north east area is interested in buying a pedigree shetland sheepdog, 8 months old, called Lewis, fully vaccinated and recently neutered, let me know. My friend is thinking she needs to sell him for a few reasons. Neighbours complaining of him barking when he really doesn't bark that much, he's a dog- they bark, and now none of her neighbours are speaking to her, and she feels that she isn't in enough to give him the attention he deserves. She is the main one who looks after him. She actually didn't want to get him in the first place knowing that this is how it would be but was out voted by family who were caught up in the novelty of a new puppy. I'm annoyed by all of this as they should have considered all of this before hand and never got him, but he deserves a good home so if anyone is interested let me know and I will talk to her and see if he is still available. Poor Lewis.
I don't think I could part with either of mine. I wouldn't care if people didn't speak to me, and I know that my girl Bonnie is a barker, but just when shes getting excited to go out, admittedly she is quiet the rest of the time.
What a long post. All in the name of avoiding the grand prix. Ha, guess I have a while to go yet