Colonic Irrigation ....

Awwwww that's interesting, so glad you remembered to update this thread, so many times people start similar types of threads but don't give an update.
So today was the day!! I have to say it was a very interesting experience. I was worried the pipe going in would hurt but there was no need to worry. It did feel uncomfortable at times when the water was going in. I weighed myself before and after and gave actually put weight on, but she did say that was possible if I was dehydrated as my body would've absorbed some of the water so she said its best to weigh in the morning. I would say if people are thinking of having one then I would definitely recommend.

Im glad it went well, how are you feeling since having it done?x
Well, I can assure you all I would much rather have my intestines clogged up with whatever than do that DIY at home thing. Dear god. I must have drank all of 2 mouthfuls of that horrific saltwater solution before calling defeat. Disgusting.

Lol. I was the same the other night, I couldn't drink it at all as I kept gagging lol.
a few weeks ago I managed to drink it no problem but reckon I must of used less salt lol.
I think I'll give the prunes a try instead as getting fit has recommended xxx
Im glad it went well, how are you feeling since having it done?x

Well, I'll be honest I'm feeling a bit disappointed with it now! It's 2 days since having it done, I weighed myself the morning after and I hadn't lost anything, my scales are accurate and weigh to 1/4 of a pound and I was exactly the same! I know that weight loss shouldn't be the reason for having it done, but since then I've not been able to go to the toilet so I'm back where I was feeling bloated and uncomfortable! Maybe I need a few more sessions to really feel the benefit.
I've had about 4 this year and it never shows on the scales but it does help in the longer term.
I think I would need to go for a couple more to be able to make a true judgement, in the days after I was constipated so just felt bloated for about 3 days and then I can't say I felt much different after that.