Yup, those adverts are all patronising and hideous.
Feeling better now, bloating gone nearly

Anyway, had friends this weekend (just gone) and annual school bingo (yawn) so funny food day yesterday as was busy for most of it helping set up then all evening selling cakes!
PV conso with fruit
B - Dukan porridge
L - tomato soup (with a small amount of lentils), bacon (French*) and eggs, tangerine
S/D (eaten mid-afternoon) - smoked salmon, crab sticks, hard boiled egg white, bread and cheese
D - couldn't eat - surrounded by sandwiches, chips, hot dogs and cakes - nothing worse to put you off your food (was planning just to have some sliced ham as choices were limited). Had a tangerine while clearing up.
* info for the bacon - will probably have it again although it's very salty, so not too often.
Valeurs nutritionnelles moyennes pour :100 gLa trancheValeur énergétique551kJ (132 kcal)55 kJ (13 kcal)Protéines23 g2,30 gGlucides0,70 g0,07 gLipides4 g0,40 g
PV conso with carbs
B - porridge
L - baked potato, tuna 'mayonnaise' and salad, tangerine
D - chicken and veg, bread and cheese