Stabilization CONSOSTAB (shared diary)

Quick reply for Couteaux re: the stitches. The jury is out on that one - read any running book and they will give a different explanation and possible remedy. I did not really have any this time, nearly, but I have to pay attention to breathe out as many times or more than I breathe in (two steps in, two steps out...). If my mind wanders or I get disturbed in my rhythm I can feel one 'coming on' and concentrate again 'two in - three out' which put everything in balance. The breathing is something I learnt at school as a teenager form a PE teacher, and it's worked *for me*.

RFL: let me know your details nearer the time and I'll sponsor you too! (I've just realised that I have completely released my personal details into this forum now... May need to go back and edit that post!)
Thanks v much for the stitch info - I think it is probably the breathing and need to focus on that more!! Sending you a quick note now x
All sounds good, Anja. You have a will of steel going back to cruise!

I've been sort of conso-ing (at home) but eating whatever we're served if not at home. While we're living in a glorified caravan (part of living room with a temporary wall, so about caravan size), cooking is limited as lots of cooking equipment has been packed away but I'm doing my best. Not helped by the fact that it's to be very cold by the end of the week (-15°) so lots of soup needed and custard for the kids (and me!) but will keep them legal;). Miss the range already for cooking:(.

No idea what I weigh, as I've not really cut back that much, I suspect I'm still a bit over but I can't get worked up about it. It will come off at some point.

Exercise for the week ahead - have been walking a lot, but set to not do much due to weather. Maybe shovelling some snow - it has started today. Youngest ill, so confined to indoors - fun:(. Maybe he'll be OK for sledging at the weekend - fingers crossed.:)
All sounds good, Anja. You have a will of steel going back to cruise!

Ha ha thanks but I KNEW it was going to be short - so no problem whatsoever sticking with it. While my scale weight is still jumping about, the increased tummy padding I noticed after Christmas has definitely shrunk again, though that's not making any change to my tummy shape - it's those saggy muscles with the post-kids shape...

I've been sort of conso-ing (at home) but eating whatever we're served if not at home. While we're living in a glorified caravan (part of living room with a temporary wall, so about caravan size), cooking is limited as lots of cooking equipment has been packed away but I'm doing my best. Not helped by the fact that it's to be very cold by the end of the week (-15°) so lots of soup needed and custard for the kids (and me!) but will keep them legal;). Miss the range already for cooking:(.

Wow you are brave. Esp doing this in winter. I don't think anyone will begrudge you hot comforting food if you can get it!!!

No idea what I weigh, as I've not really cut back that much, I suspect I'm still a bit over but I can't get worked up about it. It will come off at some point.

Love that attitude! I am nearly back there too, I just had let things slide too much over Christmas, eating too many treats 'in one sitting' etc and I needed to snap myself out of that!

Have fun if you do get snow. We've been forecast hard frosts but no snow.
I too understand where you are coming from with the fluctuations and I have tried to stop weighing so often too and rely on the fit of my clothes instead. I just find it so disheartening to be +3lbs randomly when I have been totally good, but it does seem to even itself out in the end! It's a shame that Dr D encourages us to weigh every day as it had become a habit with me, weighing twice per day (the evening one in order to predict what the morning scales will say !!)
Lovely to read you all... While I admit that Anja's sweet treat does look "unusual", I'm a big chocolate mousse fan (in my "other life") and that has raw eggs in it so I should try it!

Robin - I really feel for you with this cold upon us. We're so over heated here at work, and at home in the city, that I can hardly believe the outside temperatures when I see the forecast... and then I step out and OUCH!
Shame on me for bumping my gums:eek:. We are in a well-heated (22° - just checked) wee room and all we have cut out is space (OK, lots of!) and indoors washing/toilet facilities! When husband and I moved here, we had no indoors hot water or toilet/shower for a while (over a year for indoors toilet and nearly two for hot water).

The demolition is done, so just need to be patient until we can get on with the next bit.

The kids are quite enjoying it, I think :).
Fancy writing a post all about toilets and wee ;)
Shame on me for bumping my gums:eek:. We are in a well-heated (22° - just checked) wee room and all we have cut out is space (OK, lots of!) and indoors washing/toilet facilities! When husband and I moved here, we had no indoors hot water or toilet/shower for a while (over a year for indoors toilet and nearly two for hot water).

The demolition is done, so just need to be patient until we can get on with the next bit.

The kids are quite enjoying it, I think :).

Well you are right on trend - indoor camping = glamping?
Camping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scales moving the right way

Hello again, after two weeks on conso, and STS throughout I finally stopped weighing myself at the weekend, just checked today and registered a small drop. Hooray :-D

I ran 6K on Sat, but I've skipped another run on Monday. I am determined to go out tonight, I just have to find a route with minimal iced pavements - running in the road is not an option either around here. I do see people out jogging/running (Cambridge half-marathon in March) but I'm not that dedicated really :)

Food wise it's still all good, I have had my celebration meal on Sun, with a glass of wine and a proper pudding. My resistance is still strong but I have clocked up 2 chocolate biscuits moments in the last week. My morning snack at work has become less of an issue, but coming home from school (I'm usually pretty frozen from standing in the playground for 10 mins) it's hard not to reach for the chocolate biscuits when they kids are helping themselves! So I make myself a nice coffee and leave the kitchen ;-)

Jo wanted to see my food diary - as it's not quite perfect Conso style (I am quite liberal in my substitutions) I have added it as an attachment rather than pasting it here. So please if you really want to open it, remember this is not a good template for people doing Conso after a lengthy cruise. You MUST follow the rules.

Coming up for me - half-term and my birthday next week. Lots of baking planned - mainly cakes to share but of course I will have pieces of those too. I might have to suspend the food diary for a while :)


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Quick birthday update


just a quick note I'm still here and plodding along...

Weight-wise I'm taking a 'week off' strict Conso with kids at home and out & about plus social occasions (birthday today), so I seem to manage PV/conso to afternoon and then I have a notmal meal / extras nearly every day...
Today that includes a piece of cake decorated by the kids so including chocolate and smarties! I have with me my dukan lunch though - carrot & cucumber ribbon salad and smoked salmon. For breakfast I had a nice (measured) bowl of cruchy Muesli.
Dinner is Venison Stew with Quinoa, and a glass of wine. On Monday night I had a piece of home made Marzipan and Poppy seed cake that I took to my committee meeting. Yum yum ;-)

At least my new Kindle will keep me out of mischief from today (I can just read oatbran recipes ;-D when feeling peckish)

At least I'm still running - managed 6.5 km on Sat (it was still -2 at midday) but then only a shortish 20 mins on Tue morning. Probably going out this PM - it's sorely needed! But the morning / evening skies are getting lighter again - hooray!

Those of you who can see my pictures (you need to be a 'friend' - just ask) - who would have thought - that photo of me on my 40th birthday two years ago, and look at me now :) 2 stone lighter and running 15k a week!
:birthday:HAPPY BIRTHDAY :birthday:

Well deserved day on the food front and power to your elbow for still having Dukan lunch with you :)

I have to say your journey has been inspirational for've accomplished so much in 2 years and maintaining so well :)

I always appreciate your recipe efforts which you post online (the choux pastry one recently is definitely on the agenda shortly :))

As for your running efforts :) well I actually downloaded C25K and plan on starting this weekend :) - only because of your stirling example!!

Hope you have a great day xx
Many happy returns, Anja. Hope you have a lovely day, enjoy your birthday cake and have a good 'off conso' week.

Well done on your last 2 years - great inspiration and I'm so glad you were a bit ahead of my or I'm sure I'd have struggled.

As to the running, that's great. I am missing my walks (it's warmer out but very windy and daughter has an injured leg - 9 stitches, oops - and chilblains to boot, so am trying to keep her inside and warm when possible. That said, she's still doing her sports afternoons - except contact sports during which she's enjoying helping the ref).

Just to add, I think I'll probably see a gain when I get back to the scales - trousers aren't as loose as they usually are! I'll need to do PV + cheese + fruit for a wee while but am waiting until the end of winter!;)
Happy birthday Anja! Today's menu sounds lovely, & running on your birthday?! That's dedication!! I'm still going with C25k but have repeated Week 4 Day 2 a few times because I'm still scared of the longer runs! Would love to see your pics, please let me be your friend :) x
Thanks everyone - I had a lovely day despite being at work. Yes I did manage my run - only 'just' 5k tough ;-) But hooray - no hat, no gloves and sunshine! That was definitely worth it!

For those of you reading this and already doing / starting / contemplating the C25K: do download the MP3s from the NHS Choices site - it does have a nice girl talking you through it and giving encouragement and tips just when you need it, reminding you not to go to fast etc... As far as I know, the iPhone App just has a sound signal that tells you when to walk / run? (I don't own an iPhone but was chatting about the running with a colleague)
ive got the get running app on your iphone and it lets you play your ipod while gicving instructions :)
Sport relief! Sponsor me!


I know I already bored you with the fact that I have signed up to run the 5K 'Run for Life' for Cancer Research in July, well now my friend has also got me to sign up 3Miles for Sport relief, which is much sooner at the end of March!

You can sponsor me in my first ever Fun run (I don't think I can call it a race!) :D:D

Sport Relief giving page | Sport Relief 2012

And for info - I ran just over 6Km in 35 minutes yesterday morning.

Back to Conso after a week off, feeling good, clothes look fine but I have been quite generous! So no weigh in till Sat! Coming up this week: Pancake day tonight and a choral workshop with Bring& Share lunch on Sat - I'm taking a nice (slightly, imperceptibly dukanized!) broccoli salad for a change:
Knackiger bunter Brokkolisalat (Rezept mit Bild) von Magnolia |

Decided to venture on the scales today I've STS - hooray :)

Probably helped by a tummy bug which meant that I didn't actually really digest any of the lovely pancakes we had (sorry TMI!)
Stilll around!


looks like I owe a long overdue update. Everything here is ticking over as usual, pretty busy and nothing really to report (no doubt this will be a long update nevertheless!)

Foodwise I am slowly returning to from strict conso to consostab, for me that means:

  • definitely include the bread(small carbs) and cheese(some fattier food) every day, though it could be crackers and pate or 1TB brown rice and a sausage at dinner time...

  • an extra TB of linseed every day. I am slowly moving back to 3TB oatbran a day.

  • Watching my fruit intake but probably have 2 portions a day, including the odd Grape or small piece of Banana.
I am at the moment not going out of my way to add 'Galas' and carb meals though, there has been the odd social occasion and also the kids cooking for us at the weekend which was reasonably healthy but included things like sausages, potatoes, cheese, peas and pasta.
I try my hardest to have an 'extra' (like a biscuit) not every day. It's mostly working for now, small extras to avoid the big ones!

So far so good - I have come through the birthday week (where I baked 3 cakes and had a fair share of them!) and another fairly relaxed week a fortnight ago hovering just above 65, and I plan to carry on like this till Easter.
From last weekend when I finally stepped on the scales after quite a while, to yesterday morning my weight has gone from 66.6 to 65.2 in 4 days. This included a Family meal on Sunday, PP on Monday (that move has worked really well for me) and a 'Gala' working lunch. But no Alcohol. So who knows what's going on there. I need to work a bit harder to get another kilo down, but I recon I can achieve that by sticking with the Conso rules and not cutting right back.

I am still running, though I really had to make myself go out there last night. Cut the run short because I have a terrible cold which means my sinuses are completely blocked up despite all sorts of medication (which I just remembered I left at home today :()
But apart from that, the running is going well, I have switched to measuring in Miles at the moment, so I am doing 3-4 miles on every run now (3 times a week). I still can't claim to be addicted though...

As I keep mentioning, I am running 3 miles for Sport Relief on the 25th of March, and on top of that I'll be cycling the 5 miles to the event and back. Fundraising is going well and I have just revised my sponsorship target upwards! You can sponsor me here :D :D:
Sport Relief giving page | Sport Relief 2012

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Ours includes a ballet exam for DD1, a choral rehearsal for me, and we'll think of something nice to do with the kids on Sunday!