Gold Member
Good morning, I'm very tired I've still not sorted Brett's card out yet, moonpig have loads of options and that why I can't decide.Going to the shops tomorrow as I'm off and then I'll have to choose something as I'm running out of time.
Anyway I'm trying to find the energy for my exercise, I'm dressed ready for it but I want to go to bed. On the plus side I think the TOTM fairy might be leaving me slowly, leaving me with a big belly, a headache & a little weak. Cheers for that, at least its sunshine and its my last shift for two days yay!
How's everyone else? Think I'll have another cuppa :coffee:
I always love having a nose around paperchase's card selection... or if you have a scribblers?! You're guaranteed to get something in there
Are you looking forward to your day off tomorrow? We have a 4 day week next week (Monday off for St Patrick's day) and I can't wait! xx