Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Lovely meeting you today hun really enjoyed it - heres to the next one xx

Glad you got back home safe, I'm out the bath and feel all smooth and nice. I look forward to the next meet too, I really enjoyed it, your so lovely!
Anyway its past my time on here now so night night xxxx
Night, night x
Good afternoon :)

After a very lazy morning I've been quite busy this afternoon. Done a wee grocery shop then came home and done some cooking:-

Celery & sweetcorn soup = very nice too! 2 portions left for lunches on Monday & Tuesday
SW quiche = this time I used one tub of cottage cheese & one tub of quark. Tea sorted for tomorrow
Pineapple scan bran muffins = looking forward to trying one tonight.


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Hello, I'm hoping to pull back after yesterday's meal, thinking I've got time & wanted to try something different too! I'll let you know how the muffins go, and the quiche, never made it with quark before. Its weird because I always gain t TOTM which is now, yet this morning I thought NO! Weird but here's to a whole lot of hope and good food.
How are your ears now? Xx
Oh I didn't think to use the quark for the muffins! Doh! I hope its nice in the quiche I only had one tub of cottage cheese & Brett really likes my quiche bless him. Xx
Oh I didn't think to use the quark for the muffins! Doh! I hope its nice in the quiche I only had one tub of cottage cheese & Brett really likes my quiche bless him. Xx

Yeah David always nicks my quiche too grrrr - My ears are ringing its weird. All I can think is its from the train but it doesnt normally effect me OR I had my music too loud in the car on the way home lol x
Good afternoon :) After a very lazy morning I've been quite busy this afternoon. Done a wee grocery shop then came home and done some cooking:- Celery & sweetcorn soup = very nice too! 2 portions left for lunches on Monday & Tuesday SW quiche = this time I used one tub of cottage cheese & one tub of quark. Tea sorted for tomorrow Pineapple scan bran muffins = looking forward to trying one tonight.

Hi cookie,
Isn't the celery and sweetcorn soup amazing yummmmmmyyyyyy:)

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Hi Von, have to day its gorgeous. I changed it though I added 3 chunks of butternut squash instead of a potato as I didn't have one in which probably affected the colour a bit but its so nice. I've got half the celery left too. Will decide what to do with it tomorrow. How are you? Anything nice planned food wise xx