Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Good morning all :) I'm well I'm working until 9pm this week so had a little lie in. Not much else planned I've got my lunch, dinner & snacks packed ready.

Oh I've also just booked my tickets to London in 4wks as the prices have dropped so I'm very happy to save some cash it was initially £78.70 each but got it for £79 between us :) exciting.

Food today is EE:-
B = carrot muffin (2) fruit & yogurt
L = tomato soup,
S = fruit & yogurt
D = beef stew with loads of veg,
A = I've a choice so see how I feel later.

Hope everyone is having a good day too. Cu later xx
What's breadfruit?? I've never heard of it... Looks lush though. X

It's hard to explain, its like a starchy fruit that you cook, you don't eat it like you would a piece of fruit. Its very common in Caribbean food, its the size of a melon, green mottled skin with white or pale yellow flesh. It's lovely cooked in soup or you can bake it. Its filling like potato but a heavier consistency.
If you eat too much it'll bloat you out though so you only need a little bit.

Hope that helps xx
Good evening :)

I hope everyone is well, its been a very long day but it's been a good day. Good shift at work just tiring. Anyway I wi and lost 1lb :) very happy.

Todays food is Green:-
B = banana
L = 1/2 jacket potato with cheese & beans (hex a), with salad,
S = weetabix muffin (2) fruit & yogurt
D = same as lunch but with veg. It was a large jacket potato so I split it to last the day :)
A = fruit & yogurt, hi fi salted caramel bar (hex b)

Total syns = 2 I didn't intend it to be this low but I'm sure I'll make up for it t the weekend.

I packed loads of snacks for work but came home with banana, satsuma & carrot muffin so I'll have those tomorrow.


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Brilliant work Cookie well done chick - Food looks great today nom nom.

Glad you had a good shift hun. Hope your well? xx
I'm good thanks, just tired, finished late tonight and last night but the jobs have been really good ones so I don't mind. I'm hope I'm not late tomorrow night though? Not seen Brett properly at all, I miss him - haha don't tell him though xx
Pressed send to early lol,
Wanted to say your food looked so yummy, I wish I was at group to try these new hi fi bars,

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
I'm good thanks, just tired, finished late tonight and last night but the jobs have been really good ones so I don't mind. I'm hope I'm not late tomorrow night though? Not seen Brett properly at all, I miss him - haha don't tell him though xx

Awww bless ya - I think he will already know without me telling him haha x
Thanks Von, very happy especially with treat day on Sunday. :) I was just going to pop to yours but I've been summoned I have to go to bed now sorry, I'll have a good catch up tomorrow though.

Night night xxx
Yay well done on the loss that's brill especially being Easter weekend & all that chocolate around.

I don't like it when Bob is on 'middles' he gets up just before I go to work & isn't back until I've gone to bed, the first few days are brill, but then you realise, you've can't talk to them about important stuff or just have their company!!!
Well done on the loss! Food looks good, know how you feel about not seeing the OH. Chris has been away since Tuesday and I am missing his company loads as is Tom. Oh well he's back today.
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Afternoon Cookie - hope your day is going well?

Its chucking down here, been into Newcastle and got soaked :cry: It was a waste of time straightening my hair this morning its like a frizzy mop now lol x
Hello :)

Had a lovely lie in this morning whilst Brett worked overtime and I've still not left the house! It's my weekend off and were staying in tonight but heading to see my folks tomorrow and mums cooking a lamb roast dinner mmm. Can't wait :) heading out soon to do our grocery shopping and tonight I'm making a chicken tikka masala and I'm hoping it turns out good. I've got a take out menu handy just in case!

Today's food is EE:-
B = fruit & yogurt
L = red onion sausage, egg, beans, mushrooms & tomatoes, banana & carrot muffins (3.5)
S = fruit
D = chicken tikka masala with rice, mini naan ? Mini bhaji ? I'll work out the syns before I decide to eat them :)

Hope everyone is having a lovely day xx
Evening lovely - how did the Masala turn out?? I hope youve had a relaxing day, enjoy your roast tomorrow nom nom x