Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Have a fab night cookie :)

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Evening - Sarah Milican is bloomin brilliant, rude funny and I understood her most of the time, she speaks just like Sheila but a little ruder :):)

She had a warm up comedian called Andrew Robinson, he's a brummie but pretty good so one to look out for. I also got a wee present there too. Brilliant night.

Anyway I've just realised i'm way behind on my food update
Friday was Green:-
B = 2 x soft boiled eggs, banana & grapes
L = jacket cheese & beans (hex a), salad, mayo (1), yogurt
S = crisps (4), carrot muffin (2), fruit
D = 2 red onion LM sausages, carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas, butternut squash, baby corn, gravy (1)
A = hi fi Xmas pud bar (hex b) pistachio nuts (hex b), twirl finger (6)

Total syns 14 :)

Saturday is EE:-
B = banana, satsumas & yogurt
L = banana on toast (1/2 hex b)
S = sugar free hazelnut latte (hex a) hi fi rocky road (1/2 hex b)
D = chicken tikka masala, rice, mini ww naan (5.5)
A = carrot muffins (4), fruit & yogurt, twirl finger (6)
Supper = graze lemon & poppy seed cake (4)

Total syns = 19.5 :) not too bad I'll be back to under 15 tomorrow

Tomorrow I'll be going to see my folks again. Looking forward to it too. Hope everyone is well xx


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Sounds like a great night! Are we allowed to ask what the present was?
Thanks Chelle, thanks Jen it was a top night out, she comes across as really lovely and such fun. Will have to look out for the next time she's here. Hope you ladies are both well. Tired now though xxx
Well lovelies, I'm off to brush teeth again, I did it before we went out but then I've since had my graze cake when we got back so off to brush them again.

Night night xxx
Glad you had a great night cookie and food looks great too. But you are still keeping us in suspense as to the pressie was!!!

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I don't think she wants to say what the pressie was :p
Sounds like a fab night cookie :) and mmm mmm mmm to your food!
What are you up to today? Taking Bo for a little spin now she's all nice and clean?? Xx
Hello oh it's still morning yay! :)

I'm well considering the TOTM fairy is here visiting me. I'm about to set off to Wolverhampton to visit my folks. Brett's made the most huge fruit salad for us as mum & dad both seem to want eat mine when I bring it home so they'll be made up when they see this, I've bought some salmon too as mum loves it like me.

Think we're having a 3 bird roast for dinner yum! I should be able to keep to under 15 syns to pull back a little from going over yesterday so I'm not worried I'm just bloated that's all but no cramps so feeling good.

Sheila my little pressie is for you actually. I'm hoping to what's app you later for your address. It won't be in time for you birthday on Tuesday but it was something you said & then Sarah said last night so it has to be for you.

I hope everyone has a lovely day, its a bit cold & dull here but dry so that's a start. Bo looks lovely and clean and she loves the motorway so another run for her

Oh btw my friends baby is Benjamin Oliver Wheeler - he looks huge too not met him yet though but soon will
:):) by for now xxxx


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Thanks Tiger Lily I read it and I've been a little naughty, but hoping I'll get away with it!

Good morning :)
I've had a lovely lie in, were still having it actually we were supposed to be going to the gym to do a class but neither of us could be bothered so were having a lazy morning then shops & meeting friends for lunch at 1pm. I need to be good as I ate some chocolate before bed last night taking me to 18.5 Syns when I knew I was at 9.5 before! I think my TOTM has given me an appetite this weekend for sweet things. I'm hoping to reign it in now that I've read Tigers attachment. I've decided to google the pub were eating at but there is no menu on the website - so going in blind but I know to choose wisely and look out for the healthier options.

Rough plan is looking like this
B = scan bran carrot muffin (2) fruit & yogurt
L = ????
S = fruit
D = soup if I'm hungry
A = ??? Trying for a no chocolate day

Ooh let me update yesterday's food:-
B = banana & satsuma, 1/2 muffin (1)
L = salmon & egg salad, beetroot, vinegar & mayo (1), banana
S = latte (hex a) & grapes
D = 3 bird roast no stuffing, potatoes, breadfruit (3.5) rice & peas, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peas & sweetcorn, gravy (2)
A = 1.5 carrot muffin (2) fruit & yogurt, prunes (hex b), Oreo dairy milk (9)

Total syns = 18.5

The plan today is just to the best I can xx :)
Sarah Milican is brilliant, I'd definetly recommend trying to catch her show if you can as she's still touring. Well were up showered and dressed and I've just snaffled two bananas, I'm a hungry Cookie today but I'm still aiming to be good even though I'll gain at wi on Thursday as I always gain at TOTM but I don't want to use it as an excuse to pig out for the sake of it if you know what I mean?

Its dry but quite cool today so a cosy pub lunch is right up my street, I'm fancying something meaty for lunch I'd actually love a cottage pie or something cheesy mmm,
See you later xxx
Sarah Milican is brilliant, I'd definetly recommend trying to catch her show if you can as she's still touring. Well were up showered and dressed and I've just snaffled two bananas, I'm a hungry Cookie today but I'm still aiming to be good even though I'll gain at wi on Thursday as I always gain at TOTM but I don't want to use it as an excuse to pig out for the sake of it if you know what I mean?

Its dry but quite cool today so a cosy pub lunch is right up my street, I'm fancying something meaty for lunch I'd actually love a cottage pie or something cheesy mmm,
See you later xxx

Cosy pub lunch sound s does cottage pie, I lurrrrrve that xx

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Afternoon lovely - Sounds like you have had a brill weekend I hope you have a lovely day today mmmmmmmm cottage pie sounds yummy. xx
Hiya lovley ,
Enjoy your pub lunch yum yum,
Thanks for the post on my diary made me feel better :)

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