Evening - Sarah Milican is bloomin brilliant, rude funny and I understood her most of the time, she speaks just like Sheila but a little ruder

She had a warm up comedian called Andrew Robinson, he's a brummie but pretty good so one to look out for. I also got a wee present there too. Brilliant night.
Anyway I've just realised i'm way behind on my food update
Friday was Green:-
B = 2 x soft boiled eggs, banana & grapes
L = jacket cheese & beans (hex a), salad, mayo (1), yogurt
S = crisps (4), carrot muffin (2), fruit
D = 2 red onion LM sausages, carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas, butternut squash, baby corn, gravy (1)
A = hi fi Xmas pud bar (hex b) pistachio nuts (hex b), twirl finger (6)
Total syns 14
Saturday is EE:-
B = banana, satsumas & yogurt
L = banana on toast (1/2 hex b)
S = sugar free hazelnut latte (hex a) hi fi rocky road (1/2 hex b)
D = chicken tikka masala, rice, mini ww naan (5.5)
A = carrot muffins (4), fruit & yogurt, twirl finger (6)
Supper = graze lemon & poppy seed cake (4)
Total syns = 19.5

not too bad I'll be back to under 15 tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll be going to see my folks again. Looking forward to it too. Hope everyone is well xx