Gold Member
Share away ...we are all in the same boat and here for each other for the good and not so good times
Hello don't beat hits elf up especially if you enjoyed it and it sounds like you did.
At this time of the year I think it's about doing the plan when you can not necessarily doing it a 100%
Are you at group on Thursday? It's a taster session but I think it will help us both to stay
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Share away ...we are all in the same boat and here for each other for the good and not so good times
Well as you know I've had a really naughty couple of days and my gain is pretty big but like everyone has said, it's about getting back on it instead of letting it spiral. You do great all other times so dont be hard on yourself for having a couple of days off x
Sharing does make you feel better, that's why I love this site, if we didn't share our feelings we'd be sat at home just eating more crap & going more off plan x