Gold Member
I hope you have a lovely few days off Cookie - the weather has been gorgeous, hope it continues for you! I'll be a little jealous all couped up in my office!! x
Hi hun hope your well.
Not far now to target your on the last lap whoop xx
I hope you have a lovely few days off Cookie - the weather has been gorgeous, hope it continues for you! I'll be a little jealous all couped up in my office!! x
Hello all.
I'm feeling very smiley today. I've worked an early shift instead of a late and I'm sitting cosy in my onesie in my snuggle seat excited for tomorrow.
Food today was EE:-
Breakfast = soft boiled eggs, banana & satsuma
Lunch = 1/3 of pea & ham soup, (I'm now sick of it so binned most of it) fruit & yogurt
Snack = Apple, 1/2 mini flake (2)
Dinner = jacket potato, cheese & beans, salad, pizza edge bit (4)
Afters = scan bran cake, satsumas & yogurt
Total syns = 6 so far
Hex's = cheese & scan bran
Relaxing tonight then setting off to see the folks tomorrow, time for a snoop round xx
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Hello all
I'm having a pretty good and productive day:-
1) - stripped the bed & wash
2) - gym class
3) - girlie catch up with Amanda
4) - grocery shopping
5) - new pillows too for our bed
6) - cleaned and mopped downstairs
7) - cooked soup
8) - cooked tea
I even managed to get a bit of reading done too, I have to admit I am starting to flag energy wise though so I'll be having an early night with Brett, once we make the bed and I'm looking forward to the new pillows, the old ones looked brown and grungy, probably caused because I drool when I sleep , oh well it can't be helped it xx
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