June, you are so right about the scales, they are really messing with my mind. Got on my new ones today and they showed 222.2 lbs, .2 less than yesterday. Bit later I got on again, I know I shouldn't but I am being honest about my naughtiness, anyway they then showed 219.2. That's a 3lb loss in 10 minutes- impressive huh? So I dug out the old scales and they said 220.2! So then I got back on the new ones and they said 222.2 again. So I think you are right, ignore the damn things and just keep going, eventually they will show a drop I can believe and it will all settle down I suppose. Pretty frustrating though. Time was that would have got me off the diet, but I am not that bothered, I know I am doing all the right things(apart from weighing myself obsessively!)so I will get slim! Love