CornishTT''s weight loss diary

I love it - am also going to try courgette hash browns, and might even try it as an alternative to cauliflower for a pizza base.

Oh, speaking of cauliflower, it's worth going back on low carb just for this recipe - which is so seriously delish I had real trouble stopping myself from eating them all - like Lord Byron, they are mad, bad and dangerous to know - but also cheesy, chewy and yummy! :)

Cauliflower Pepperoni Bread Sticks | Your Lighter Side
Re: My Atkins diary

So, pics of today's diary, still too much fat n not enough protein n carbs, where am I going wrong? Bacon? Going to give it a skip tomorrow n have cheesy mim for brekky n see if makes difference. Hope y'all had a good day!?

Other than that think ketosis very near as hunger nearly gone, only at dinner at 8.30 as not hungry but needed to eat!


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So, pics of today's diary, still too much fat n not enough protein n carbs, where am I going wrong? Bacon? Going to give it a skip tomorrow n have cheesy mim for brekky n see if makes difference. Hope y'all had a good day!?

Other than that think ketosis very near as hunger nearly gone, only at dinner at 8.30 as not hungry but needed to eat!

Remember we don't subtract fibre. So 30g carbs is a bit high if you are on induction. Don't worry too much about being over on fat :)

In fact looking at the pie chart don't worry at all!
Yhanks for info, I am confused as most of fibre came from mim which as per recipe they subtracted fibre? Thought we did or is it just later in the day? Tomorrow I finally have some time to read so will 'swot'!

Ah I see, I always thought that flax was a 'carb wash' ie the fibre canx the carbs out but don't think that's true! We never subtract fibre, on mfp always be careful to use uk added foods.
Ok, I've googled and it's saying that u can only deduct fibre in us but here in uk/eu they do math for you. Am confused but as they say, if it's too good to be tru it probably is, that's why that muffin looked massive! Oh well, need to reduce on that! :(

Haha, you should have taken a piccie :) 3 tablespoons flax, careful to drink loads of water too!
Re: My Atkins diary

So, this is source, which is why I happily ate a whole one (i couldn't eat another believe me, I was stuffed!) buuut, here is the mind boggler. How come from the 'American' site, carbs are 3.27 for Americans but for us UK same recipe yields (wo sweetener n cinnamon) 18.3 g carbs? Am I being thick? I must be being thick. Sorry!


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Re: My Atkins diary

I think trans-Atlantic translation not the problem but the problem is my linseed flour. I grind it from fresh linseed/flax seed n it yields a denser flour which means 1/4 cup of mine is a lot more. Apparently Holland n Barrett do a good one that's like 0.7g carb per 100g so I could go back to my massive mim (so satisfying!) will keep u updated.
I wouldn't worry, wouldn't have them every day though..... saying that if they don't make you stall.....
My Atkins diary

Hi there Toni, welcome. As goldi said I loved your intro. Your positivity and enthusiasm shine through your each post. Just keep posting and I'm sure you'll soon have the hang of the ratios.

Good look, your definitely gonna get your old sexy slim self back x.
Hi Toni

Re the flax, it's probably a good idea at the start not to have it every day - but if you do ('cause Mims are yummy) just keep an eye on it if there's any stalling.

And it's true about not deducting the carbs, that's only in the States. Here in the UK it has been done for you. Check out Flex Flax online, I buy it and they claim it has no carbs at all because of the milling process :)
Re: My Atkins diary

Ah thanks Ladyfelsham, will look it up and try some! I just love those Mims! Will do my best not to have one tomorro, :(. Tho in saying that I took a sneak peak at scales and they say 6lb down since Thursday, so so far so good.

I've made mim to my recipe today (and actually, if I READ original recipe - 1/4 cup not half and 30g not 65g) I'd be getting the full picture!

I am feeling fab today but very 'ugh, can't face another meat product' today, so I opted for this breakfast:

Cheesy, fiery MIM (9g carbs)
30g flax (linseed) flour
1/16 tsp bicarb
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1/8 tsp mustard powder
1/8 tsp hot paprika
Pinch herbamare (see pics - yum!)
28g/1oz cheddar cheese chopped/grated
1 large egg

Combine dry ingredients well, add cheese n egg, stir and micro - one took about 2 mins but doubled in size! See pics.

Plus (carbs not included above)
67 g cucumber
10g butter

Total carbs for breakfast 12, a little high but rest of day won't be, so still hope to be in below 20 today.

Didn't add butter or oil cause of cheese, I just put pat of butter on as cut in half, and it melted all into it, it was lush! :D

I have to crack on as need to get maisonett ready to sell in a couple of weeks, will read all other posts during lunch (was on here literally all day yesterday, addictive!)

Hope y'all have a great day! X


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YUM! That Mim sounds gorgeous - and I am so getting some of the sea salt! I don't normally add salt to anything but I think sea salt isn't as bad for you?
My Atkins diary

YUM! That Mim sounds gorgeous - and I am so getting some of the sea salt! I don't normally add salt to anything but I think sea salt isn't as bad for you?

I don't think it's that bad in moderation. Atkins recommends it actually, especially if your feeling fatigued on the woe xx
Hi ladies, sorry didn't reply last night (had a night of it last night and migraine struck)! I've not even managed to read everyone else's diary, hope to catch up on them today.

As for the sea salt, LadyF (mind if I call you Susie?), it is made with natural sea salt (not iodized or treated in any way) with organic herbs, no additives. So really, I think you could do a whole lot worse. ^^ and what busy said, lol! Will catch up on your days on your diaries.

As for me, I did well yesterday, mfp says 21g carbs, and I think that will be reduced today as I'm going to swerve the MIM (actually, I thought busy was saying that Atkins recommends the MIM, sadly, no, she was talking about the salt :S).

Diary looking good (still v high fat {but I think that is due to chicken thighs (with skin) - they have an awful lot of fat in them, I can't see what else I am eating with high fat - oh yes, cheese yesterday})

Oh LadyF, I tried that courgette pizza, it was AWESOME! I did a booboo and didn't A) wring out the courgette (important step I think even though it says it's only optional) and B) halved the recipe but still used full amount of cheese (mistake, I promise) in the crust and didn't leave any for the topping, which saw me use 1oz more cheese on top but it was lovely. I baked it at 180 for 30 mins then flipped it over as underside was v pale, and it came out great. I had just the plain crust with a little cheese n my herb salt and it was delicious. you could pick it up like pizza and everything! Sadly no pics (was in a whiz tidying the lounge and couldn't find phone to take pics).

got creamy mushroom omelette planned for this am (no MIM, boohoo) but looking forward to creamy mushrooms. Also, I have been having BPC since you guys told me about it (sat afternoon?) but not been including it in my diary (or my water intake, will do as of yesterday's diary).
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