After my epic fail the other night, I'm going to repeat Week 5 day 2 tonight and then attempt the biggie on Tuesday instead!
Phew, was feeling a bit crap for repeating, but I guess we're even more committed for doing more than we needed to, right?! Don't blame you for not wanting to run with a hangover! Good luck with the next one x
I want to go but am really bloated & windy at the minute - Im sure it would help to go but I dont really want to let one rip by acccident whilst on the treadmill haha.
Did week 3 day 2 this morning & I LOVED it! My leg isnt hurting anywhere near as much as it used to - Ive realised it was hurting more because I was tensing up, & the more confident Im getting the more Im relaxing into it. YeyPlus Ive managed to get my breathing right which I was struggling with before. I even turned up the pace towards the end!
The thought of running for more than 3 minutes at a time is still daunting but if I look back on how far Ive come Im sure I can do it
How is everyone else doing? x
Yay! Great to hear how well you're doingYou'll be saying that about 5 mins, and then 8 mins soon enough, I'm sure!
I've just done Week 6 Day 1, and feel really good (and really red-faced). Still on the treadmill, but pushed myself to run a little bit faster and covered 4 k today (today's 'run' was 34 mins in total, so longer than usual, but it definitely felt like a milestone getting to just 1k off the big 5k!)
I still haven't got running shoes and I'm 2 weeks out of C25k! I must get this sorted before race for life. My trainers are very good and comfy but proper running shoes will look goodI was thinking of getting the running Sketchers shapers??!! £40 in Sports Direct
Oooh are they the ones that shape your legs & bum?! X
Yeah, they're called Sketchers Go Run. They're also on eBay brand new ranging from £35-£45. Definitely buying a pair on payday!