Count down to August

As a child I remember running to my dad with some small ailment, a teenie tiny cut or such and he would look at in pinch me on the arm 'now it doesn't hurt anymore'. When I right that it sounds cruel but it wasn't he would scoop me up in a big hug and all would be well, and it became a joke if you ever complained about something 'Do you want me to pinch you to give you something else to think about'. I tell you this because life did that to me yesterday.

I STS yesterday, I was disappointed, but I measured myself and I had lost another 1 1/2 inches so I told myself to buck up, keep going and pretty much 'deal with it', but you all know how much it just niggles at you, cause you have stuck to plan, you did everything right, maybe you should just give up because this isn't going to work...and so the negative thoughts whirl around in your brain, and you have an argument with yourself.:classic_confused:

I was working late so I decided to go get my hair trimmed as I was starting to look like a EXACT words to the hairdresser ' I want it shorter at the back, but I want to keep the length at the front'.............................................and she proceeded to CHOP 3 inches off the front, I was so mad if I could have left I would have, but I was stuck with having to watch her finish 'fixing it' response was 'last time I checked you can't reattached hacked off hair'. I was so upset last night when I had my shower and dried it trying to like it, knowing it will grow out..............I cried this morning getting ready for work, if I thought the option of wearing a beanie for the next 6 months would be viable I would. People at work are trying to be nice, but I have just told them to stop talking about it, as they can think it looks lovely all they want, it was not what I wanted, I feel like I have had a bowl haircut done, I have gone from having pretty much shoulder length hair, to having hair that just about meets my chin. I have a round face, and so this doubles the size of my head as it does not have the length to give the illusion of my face being a bit leaner and longer............So life has given me a pinch on my arm, as I couldn't give a rats ar#$ about STS this week.:classic_mad::classic_frown:

I will take a few days to 'mourn' my hair, it grows pretty quickly so hopefully I can put my big girl panties on and get over it but right now I am you can probably tell:classic_wink:

Anyway, I have stuck to plan, where normally this would have thrown me for a loop so I will take that as my result for this week and look forward to those scales moving next week.


Savoury Rice & leftover Chili - recipe from Slimming Eats

Fruit salad - melon, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries

Dinner- Speed & Protein

Spicy Prawns on a Rocket & Arugula salad

Snack - HEA & HEB

Yogurt X2 - 1 at 1 1/2 syns


Breakfast - Speed, Free and HEB

Fruit salad - melon, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
Blueberry & Lemon baked oats - recipe from Slimming Eats (HEB)

Lunch -Speed, free and Protein
Savoury Rice & leftover Spicy Prawns - recipe from Slimming Eats

Dinner -Speed, free and Protein

Meat Pie - recipe from Slimming Eats

Snack - HEA
Ryvita - 6 Syns (HEB in the morning)

Yogurt X2 - 1 at 1 1/2 syns
Rice Pudding - 2 Syns

I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!

Onward and Downward!
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Good Morning, still licking my hair cut wounds, and realised I have to get my driving license renewed, so I am going to be reminded for this stupid haircut for 5 years:classic_eek:

I promise I will get over this, but the bonus is I am not implementing about STS:classic_roll_eyes::classic_roll_eyes:

I upped my Syns yesterday I managed 8 :classic_big_grin: I just seem to struggle to use them as I am normally full satisfied with my meals but I know that I may not be eating enough calories, and that my body may think it is being deprived so I am trying.


Breakfast - Speed, Free, Protein and HEB

Fruit salad - melon, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
Chicken deli meat
Blueberry & Lemon baked oats - recipe from Slimming Eats (HEB)

Lunch -Speed, free and Protein
Leftover meat pie - recipe from Slimming Eats

Dinner -Speed, free and Protein

Harvest Grain Blend with Chicken and Shrimp - recipe from Slimming Eats

Snack - HEA

Yogurt X2 - 1 at 1 1/2 syns

I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!

Onward and Downward!
Such a good idea doing the bulk cooking at the weekend. It massively helps keep you on track. I don't bulk cook but I buy all my shopping online and get it delivered every sunday so I don't grab bits on the way home from work when I am hungry. You are doing amazingly!
great youtube video for SW

Long weekend here so was up to not a lot but still seemed to be busy lol!

Lost 2lbs, and it's * week...21lbs in 5 weeks:banana_dancer::banana_dancer::banana_dancer::banana_dancer:

Stuck to plan

I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!

Onward and Downward!
Thank you! I just feel in the zone, and everything just makes sense and works...........long may it continue!

I had asked OH if he would be able to make me something along the lines of boards I had seen where people put in a pound for every Lb they lost, as we live in Canada it would not work here with the coins being different sizes.

He had a day off yesterday and he spent some of his time making this for me........we have a coin with a nickname of a toonie, it is a $2, so I put a toonie in for every 2 lbs I lose. I absolutely love it! He is going to mount it on the wall in my dressing room tonight for me.

He gave it to me and said 'there will be nothing left of you if you fill this up but I wanted to keep it symmetrical' , bless his little heart, little does he know I am planning to fill it up, and the two top squares twice:classic_tongue:

toonies for lbs.jpg

I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!

Onward and Downward!

Another 2lbs down! 23lbs in 6 weeks....taking it and running:bunnydance:

Been crazy busy, but still to SW like glue, feeling in the zone.

I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!

Onward and Downward!
Another 2lbs down:character00116: seems to be my number :p

Sticking to plan, going well, had a few weeks where I didnt do all my meal prep at the weekend for the week ahead, and I have found while I am sticking to plan, I am more stressed out about fixing a healthy meal, so I am planning to get back to meal prepping again this weekend.

I had a bit of a 'come to Jesus' meeting with my team today, way to much back biting, bitching, and general crap going on so I needed to put an end to it, and I ordered them pizza for lunch after to get them back talking to each other, and I ordered a garden salad with grilled chicken for myself..........boy have times changed! so I am super proud of myself

Another day down of sticking to plan, and remaining focused. I keep thinking 'whoa, what is different this time, before you have been determined for all of about a month and then thought 'screw it''?

I don't know if it is just one thing or a collection.

I had my 'I have had it moment, the moment when I just said 'that's it! stop moaning, dreaming, crying, and procrastinating, just DO SOMETHING'. I have thought I have had that moment before, but this time was just completely different, it hit be in my core.

I am by nature an extremely competitive person (as long as it is a even playing field), and I will have to admit my sister losing 10 1/2 stone so far has hit me hard, not that I am not absolutely proud of her, but I was never the biggest one....until now.....and that rang alarm bells.....I couldn't hide behind that anymore..... Her losing the weight meant I could to, that it was possible, that someone who came from the same parents, that had pretty much the same background (age gap meant it was slightly different) had lost the weight, it wasn't some stranger or person in a magazine 'Look at me I lost 2 million Lbs and it only took a week'

SW has just clicked with me, it makes sense, actually not total sense as I feel I am eating way to much, but it has literally changed my mind set. I have the choice to eat something that may be less healthy, but I am choosing not to, one example of that would be ordering pizza for my team and ordering a salad for me, and not being bothered about it, and I loved pizza. Now don't get me wrong, the whiff of fresh pizza for about a split second tempted me, but I chomped on my salad, and I felt good about myself for making the healthy choice.

I am not sure if I read it, heard it or what but I have this concept in my head about eating like a slim person. If you watch a slim person they eat until they are full, if they want a treat etc they have it and they go straight back to eating healthy. It seems so logical and it is, but my mindset has always been.....desperately trying to be good to the point of starvation........being bad......continue being bad 'cause I was bad already and I screwed all my hard work up anyway so might was well continue (in for a penny in for a pound) ..........beating myself up about being bad........... and repeat over and over and over again.

25 lbs since the 8th of January says I am doing something right!

So how about you (if anyone is reading this ramble lol!) did you have an ahha moment?

I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!

Onward and Downward!
Today's Meal Breakdown

Breakfast - Speed and Free
0% fat free yogurt (large tablespoonful)


Left over bbq Chicken - 1/2 point
speed veg - cauliflower, broccoli, peas, green beans, french beans


To be decided - I have 5 different meals prepped, but OH is sick so I am not sure which if any he will go for, I might just feed him soup and have lots of leftovers for the rest of the week on one of the prepped meals.

Ugh he really has the flu, he has been in bed all day, and I can not get him to get up and have some soup....he drives me nuts when he does this......

I luckily have some free chilli left over in the fridge so I zapped that for myself as I know if I start cooking he will complain the smell is making him feel sick.
Looks like a great day can I ask please how you put the spaces in between what u have wrote I think it's looks the food diary look so much better lol x
Hi Georgina,

I just press enter on the keyboard, so I am entering them on my computer rather then the phone, if that helps.

Another day down of sticking to plan, and remaining focused. I keep thinking 'whoa, what is different this time, before you have been determined for all of about a month and then thought 'screw it''?

I don't know if it is just one thing or a collection.

I had my 'I have had it moment, the moment when I just said 'that's it! stop moaning, dreaming, crying, and procrastinating, just DO SOMETHING'. I have thought I have had that moment before, but this time was just completely different, it hit be in my core.

I am by nature an extremely competitive person (as long as it is a even playing field), and I will have to admit my sister losing 10 1/2 stone so far has hit me hard, not that I am not absolutely proud of her, but I was never the biggest one....until now.....and that rang alarm bells.....I couldn't hide behind that anymore..... Her losing the weight meant I could to, that it was possible, that someone who came from the same parents, that had pretty much the same background (age gap meant it was slightly different) had lost the weight, it wasn't some stranger or person in a magazine 'Look at me I lost 2 million Lbs and it only took a week'

SW has just clicked with me, it makes sense, actually not total sense as I feel I am eating way to much, but it has literally changed my mind set. I have the choice to eat something that may be less healthy, but I am choosing not to, one example of that would be ordering pizza for my team and ordering a salad for me, and not being bothered about it, and I loved pizza. Now don't get me wrong, the whiff of fresh pizza for about a split second tempted me, but I chomped on my salad, and I felt good about myself for making the healthy choice.

I am not sure if I read it, heard it or what but I have this concept in my head about eating like a slim person. If you watch a slim person they eat until they are full, if they want a treat etc they have it and they go straight back to eating healthy. It seems so logical and it is, but my mindset has always been.....desperately trying to be good to the point of starvation........being bad......continue being bad 'cause I was bad already and I screwed all my hard work up anyway so might was well continue (in for a penny in for a pound) ..........beating myself up about being bad........... and repeat over and over and over again.

25 lbs since the 8th of January says I am doing something right!

So how about you (if anyone is reading this ramble lol!) did you have an ahha moment?

I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!

Onward and Downward!

It is great to read your story on your ahha moment, and to hear how amazing you have been. Changing behaviours and habits are hard and take time, and it seems like you have conquered a few of those already. 25lbs in such a short time is unbelievable and your willpower is fantastic.

My moment was more to do with my wedding. I had chosen my dress and although I liked what I had chosen, I decided that I did not want to be looking and feeling the way I was then, on my wedding day. (a plus size bride with big arms and a belly and double chin). It is not all about my wedding though, as I also thought, I don't want to struggle getting pregnant because I am overweight, or if I am pregnant I don't want complications because I am big, and don't want to be a frumpy mum that then struggles even more after birth. I am now over 30 and worry more and more about the health implications of being in category "obese".

Also, I am tired of being the "fat" one of my friends, co-workers and family. Enough is enough and needed to feel good about myself on my wedding day and look back at those photos and say that was me at my best mentally and physically.

So I am 20lbs down since that day, and I am only 2 lbs off getting into the "11 stone bracket" which I haven't been in for 10 years. At my heaviest I was 15 stone, and although I lost a bit of that a few years ago, I have been "13 stone something" for years. Feels like I have finally made a breakthrough and conquering this, although it is happening a bit slower than I would like now, I don't let setbacks get me down and I eat healthily 90% of the time. I even had my cholesterol checked last month and it is in the "perfect" category.

Thanks for sharing and good luck for your goal. I know you will get there.

wow you're doing great.

hope you like your hair now. I remember years ago asking for 2-3in cut off, she cut about 7inches off and was trying to tell me it was 3in, I picked up my hair to show her, she obviously doesn't know what an inch is, even the other hairdresser and customer agreed with me.

x x
Morning Campers!

Been crazy in my world for the last two weeks, we have had new windows fitted in the house, took up the old flooring in our sitting room and dining room, laid down new flooring, new dining room tables, lights, dresser.......omg the cleaning, the dust.............ahhhhh everywhere, so the house got a full spring clean from top to bottom, dusted, floors washed, crap/stuff either donated or recycled..............

I lost 1lb the week of the 13th of March, it was * week and it was brutal but this week I lost 4lbs.........I got my 10% and my 2 stone award, and so I have lost 30 lbs since the 8th of January:banana_dancer::banana_dancer:

Thank you Charlie for sharing your 'Ahh Moment'....I had heard of them before, but had never experienced it until now and it is a powerful feeling that just keeps pushing me in the right direction, and seeing the results just motivates me even more.

I have dropped 3 bags off for donation already, my criteria is if I can get bottoms off without undoing a button and zip they are gone (yoga pants have to slip when I walk, like the ones yesterday that I thought I was going to lose while in the supermarket:whistle:), tops are to be overly comfy i.e I could fit me and one more in there with me:classic_wink:. I am trying not to buy anything yet, but I did get 3 tops two fit now a 1 fits but is a bit snug so that I don't feel like a complete hobo, but I am holding off as I have more to lose and I am finding things in my wardrobe that haven't fitted in a long it is like shopping without having to pay:classic_smile:.

Jenny, I wouldn't say I love it, but I am dealing with the new hair, it will grow back but ugh! I am being such a drama queen about it :classic_oops:.

I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!

Onward and Downward!
You have done so so well hun. I love it your sisters coming to see you in aug-she has done so well.

Well I put 1 lb on, I honestly don't know why, but I am going to measure myself later as I didn't have time this morning before work. Rather then being disappointed I am more confused, but I will work it out!