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As a child I remember running to my dad with some small ailment, a teenie tiny cut or such and he would look at in pinch me on the arm 'now it doesn't hurt anymore'. When I right that it sounds cruel but it wasn't he would scoop me up in a big hug and all would be well, and it became a joke if you ever complained about something 'Do you want me to pinch you to give you something else to think about'. I tell you this because life did that to me yesterday.
I STS yesterday, I was disappointed, but I measured myself and I had lost another 1 1/2 inches so I told myself to buck up, keep going and pretty much 'deal with it', but you all know how much it just niggles at you, cause you have stuck to plan, you did everything right, maybe you should just give up because this isn't going to work...and so the negative thoughts whirl around in your brain, and you have an argument with yourself.
I was working late so I decided to go get my hair trimmed as I was starting to look like a sheepdog....my EXACT words to the hairdresser ' I want it shorter at the back, but I want to keep the length at the front'.............................................and she proceeded to CHOP 3 inches off the front, I was so mad if I could have left I would have, but I was stuck with having to watch her finish 'fixing it'....my response was 'last time I checked you can't reattached hacked off hair'. I was so upset last night when I had my shower and dried it trying to like it, knowing it will grow out..............I cried this morning getting ready for work, if I thought the option of wearing a beanie for the next 6 months would be viable I would. People at work are trying to be nice, but I have just told them to stop talking about it, as they can think it looks lovely all they want, it was not what I wanted, I feel like I have had a bowl haircut done, I have gone from having pretty much shoulder length hair, to having hair that just about meets my chin. I have a round face, and so this doubles the size of my head as it does not have the length to give the illusion of my face being a bit leaner and longer............So life has given me a pinch on my arm, as I couldn't give a rats ar#$ about STS this week.

I will take a few days to 'mourn' my hair, it grows pretty quickly so hopefully I can put my big girl panties on and get over it but right now I am seething....as you can probably tell
Anyway, I have stuck to plan, where normally this would have thrown me for a loop so I will take that as my result for this week and look forward to those scales moving next week.
Savoury Rice & leftover Chili - recipe from Slimming Eats
Fruit salad - melon, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
Dinner- Speed & Protein
Spicy Prawns on a Rocket & Arugula salad
Snack - HEA & HEB
Yogurt X2 - 1 at 1 1/2 syns
Breakfast - Speed, Free and HEB
Fruit salad - melon, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
Blueberry & Lemon baked oats - recipe from Slimming Eats (HEB)
Lunch -Speed, free and Protein
Savoury Rice & leftover Spicy Prawns - recipe from Slimming Eats
Dinner -Speed, free and Protein
Meat Pie - recipe from Slimming Eats
Snack - HEA
Ryvita - 6 Syns (HEB in the morning)
Yogurt X2 - 1 at 1 1/2 syns
Rice Pudding - 2 Syns
I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!
Onward and Downward!
I STS yesterday, I was disappointed, but I measured myself and I had lost another 1 1/2 inches so I told myself to buck up, keep going and pretty much 'deal with it', but you all know how much it just niggles at you, cause you have stuck to plan, you did everything right, maybe you should just give up because this isn't going to work...and so the negative thoughts whirl around in your brain, and you have an argument with yourself.
I was working late so I decided to go get my hair trimmed as I was starting to look like a sheepdog....my EXACT words to the hairdresser ' I want it shorter at the back, but I want to keep the length at the front'.............................................and she proceeded to CHOP 3 inches off the front, I was so mad if I could have left I would have, but I was stuck with having to watch her finish 'fixing it'....my response was 'last time I checked you can't reattached hacked off hair'. I was so upset last night when I had my shower and dried it trying to like it, knowing it will grow out..............I cried this morning getting ready for work, if I thought the option of wearing a beanie for the next 6 months would be viable I would. People at work are trying to be nice, but I have just told them to stop talking about it, as they can think it looks lovely all they want, it was not what I wanted, I feel like I have had a bowl haircut done, I have gone from having pretty much shoulder length hair, to having hair that just about meets my chin. I have a round face, and so this doubles the size of my head as it does not have the length to give the illusion of my face being a bit leaner and longer............So life has given me a pinch on my arm, as I couldn't give a rats ar#$ about STS this week.
I will take a few days to 'mourn' my hair, it grows pretty quickly so hopefully I can put my big girl panties on and get over it but right now I am seething....as you can probably tell
Anyway, I have stuck to plan, where normally this would have thrown me for a loop so I will take that as my result for this week and look forward to those scales moving next week.
Savoury Rice & leftover Chili - recipe from Slimming Eats
Fruit salad - melon, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
Dinner- Speed & Protein
Spicy Prawns on a Rocket & Arugula salad
Snack - HEA & HEB
Yogurt X2 - 1 at 1 1/2 syns
Breakfast - Speed, Free and HEB
Fruit salad - melon, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries
Blueberry & Lemon baked oats - recipe from Slimming Eats (HEB)
Lunch -Speed, free and Protein
Savoury Rice & leftover Spicy Prawns - recipe from Slimming Eats
Dinner -Speed, free and Protein
Meat Pie - recipe from Slimming Eats
Snack - HEA
Ryvita - 6 Syns (HEB in the morning)
Yogurt X2 - 1 at 1 1/2 syns
Rice Pudding - 2 Syns
I hope everyone else has a fabulous, healthy day and we all focus on the end goal!
Onward and Downward!
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