Thanks! I'm all pleased tonight, I even won the body confidence challenge well it was a lucky dip between everyone's results so I won a lovely m&s shopping bag! Oh the small things ha! Cx
I think all meetings did it, do you get a weekly motivation topic online? It was eight weeks where you put down what you'd like to lose in that time and really aim for it! It was a great goal to help motivate! Was sitting thinking earlier where I'd like to be by Christmas but think that's Farr to far away yetcx
Aw right! Your great, I'd never do it right on my own which is prob why I'm here lol! I love this forum it's too addictive cx
So addicted il have to sign up to an aa meeting soon
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Lol we need a ww addiction and minimins is our 'ww' addiction support to stay addicted group? Cx
Awww lol here till the end cx
Yay for a group hug! Skinny squeeze xXx
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I hope so!! Lol squeeze!!!!!!
My family don't listen to ww or pp anymore in fact it's banned grrrr cx