Just home from mums! We had roast pork and veg, it was alright but I'm mega hungry at the min lol! I've 5pp left, going for an options, onion rings and a time out! Roll on wi meh lol!! Cx
My treats all gone, it went far too quickly lol! I'm for bed to read a book keep me from nose diving into the share bag of sweet & salty popcorn I have just remembered I've stashed about the kitchen units! Cx
Aw def and the sweet and salty mixed is AMAZING!! Whole bag is 12pp I think, I could have weighed out 5pp worth but forgot till I had eaten themcx
I bought a load in asda last week, £1 each, lol they are easy read, girl meets boy loses boy gets boy back lol! Cx
woohhooo monday wi day yyyaaaayyyywho am i kidding AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH lol! should be ok i hope! but same time confident weeks arent always any good!
I am going to mum for dinner AGAIN lol after wi, her and dad were fighting over which hairy biker recipe to do, anyone ever tried them? think at final count it was between korma and lasange! ha
I be that hungry after ww though i would eat anything so no odds to me! cx
We've got a hairy dieters book I keep meaning to make some of the recipes (or encourage hubby to). Gpod luck for weigh in! I can't wait until I'm down to the weight you are now!