Crazy Caz and her food diary

Hey Hun, just sat down to dinner, homemade oven chips and curry!16pp worth of it lol, won't eat it all now will keep some for a snack later after a couple of vods! Todays food was the same just dinner diff!

So glad it's Friday, no work tomorrow so morning will be quick house clean and weather permitting a big walk into town :) cx
It was tasty, even nicer finishing it later on! Today so far I cleaned house, had cup of tea in bed then weetabix! No idea what I fancy for dinner tonight, might go with fajitas again cause if you use plenty of veg you can eat so much! Lol cx
Evening ladies, I had weetabix and cuppa for breakfast, 5pp of kids cereal for lunch and risooto for dinner! Then used last 5pp on a crunchie :)

Hope everyone is having a good weekend cx
Happy Mother's Day everyone :)

Just had cheese on toast for breakfast, having roast chicken dinner later so should be another foot day cx
Sophie somehow logged me out of minis yest! But I'm back now yay! Lol

Had a lovely day doing very littles with a big roast chicken dinner made all by myself!

Wi day, nervous already lol! My food has been 200% but I def drank more than my weeklies oops!

Just back from lunch time walk and you know it was that pleasant out the coat might be coming off soon! Which got me thinking about having to wear less clothes yikes!! Lol anyone else dread that? Cx
Caz you have nothing to worry about wearing less clothes in summer you look about love handles and belly I need to shift b4 summer !
Lol! Thanks, I'm very paranoid about my extra skin now, never happy!

You have a nice weekend? Cx
Don't ask Caz... it was terrible was supposed to go to Galway for a long weekend on Thursday but my eldest boy came down with a viral infection running a very high temp sore throat n ears then by Saturday my other wee boy and hubby came down with it so I spent mothers day nursing them all lol im laughing at it now but wasn't yesterday! Hope you had a lovely day with the girls what is on the menu tonight after weigh in?
Awww no Hun! They coming round any yet?

We had a lovely day, doing nothing!! Lol it was great went a dander to the park, made nice dinner, sometimes a wee day doing nothing is just as good!

Tonight's dinner will be late cause I have to make it! Lol mum and dad are away in Spain again, so think it will be fajitas or something quick but tasty! Won't be as nice as last week going for my mani pedi!

Yeah there is no nicer award than treating yourself to a nice treatment. I think I'm going to start that instead of chocolate or takeaways you enjoy the treatment more. Thank god they starting to come around slowly today hope that's the end of sickness now for a good while! I havn't had fajitas in ages. How's the pedometer going? Your mothers day sounded lovely n relaxing hows the healing process going since your op x
Aw dear it's bad! Lol I have a Frankenstein looking scar and it's still all hard like before op? My luck, so going back next week to get referred back to the hospital! Thinking is it worth going through that again but then other time should I get it done right now when in the system?

I love fajitas and anything like that, so quick and easy for me to make after work especially when kids doing really eat my ww meals!

Pedometer was on till sat, after cleaning I realised I hadn't it on so it lay on the counter all weekend! Going to take it tonight to see if I can get it set up properly by my leader while I am there

You anything nice planned? I try not Reward with food but I've set a target of 5lbs till I get a dominos! Them adverts and delivery cars are everywhere teasing me cx
Lol well fingers crossed it's already away then! I'm currently on 9600 steps today on pedometer too, though I must confess to going to the Chinese last night ... Chow mein, curry sauce and a few chips oops! But I be so ragin after a gain unexpected! Up feeling fresher and brighter today though, and with my period it's to be almost excused lol!

Usual breakfast this morning, just had scrambles eggs on toast 6pp, 19pp left today for dinner so thinking a banana and a caramel wafer now with a cup of tea then that would leave 16pp for dinner! Cx
So dinner was chicken fajitas 11pp also had a pink and white so I have four pp left! Decisions decisions! And you like my pedometer steps today :)

Just home from a lovely walk around the town to the park, feet up now cx


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So dinner was chicken fajitas 11pp also had a pink and white so I have four pp left! Decisions decisions! And you like my pedometer steps today :) Just home from a lovely walk around the town to the park, feet up now cx

My god did you sit at all today well done oh and I love you're nails colour is class :)