Well ladies just polished off my 1pp dinner of burgers homemade and chips again homemade! Burgers were extra lean mince, diced onion, diced Carrott, fry lite, salt pepper, chilli powder and garlic AND wochester sauce! Just bound it all together and split into four so 4pp fpr the two burgers which after taking the time to take a picture you can't even see my lovely burgers lol! 4pp for treat try tonight cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
I got strawberries in supermarket, big cup of tea, caramel wafer and nacho crisps lol RANDOM selection, I've pink and whites but nothing else 1pp in cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Have none of the above so original random combo it is lol cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Tt rocks, even without a tray cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Morning Hun, I did actually thanks, it's a lovely warm morning here todaysun is out, hope it stays the day too, though can get lost this evening as boot camp hall has no air con lol cx
Whos Steve Miller? He sounds fun ... ha! This a trainer? Cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Oh I've not seen that before, sounds like one for the planner ha! I'm in a bad mood today, for no apparent reason, will box it out at boot camp tonight! It's warm and muggy here with lots of cloud grrr cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
It sure did thanks, another good nights bootcamp doneI HATE it at the time but, though quite into the boxing bit so might look into a boxing class after hols. Currently look like I've just had a shower ha! Kettles on, so treat tray tonight is a pink and white, caramel wafer cup of tea and maybe some more strawberries
Oh dinner tonight was another random, pittas with chicken lettuce and tomato with a little chilli sauce with a stir fry veg side lol! My sis lifted a load of reduced stuff when she finished work, manager in tesco cx
I'm good so far this morning, I'm finding I'm not feeling it after a wed but feeling it more after the gym on a sat! Nice. Sunny morning here, hope it keeps up as I've 3 tonne of soil coming this evening for my garden which needs moved yikessometimes a man sounds useful lol
Food today so far is the same with 17pp left for dinner, might make wraps chicken and saladcx