Crazy Caz and her food diary

Evening all, I went for the chop! My hair was shoulder length and now it's short :) I like it even if em thinks I look like a boy! Sophie is fine and em starting to feel hungry so we are on the mend cx


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Evening all, I went for the chop! My hair was shoulder length and now it's short :) I like it even if em thinks I look like a boy! Sophie is fine and em starting to feel hungry so we are on the mend cx

Awwwww I love it! Check you out with your skinny girl features!Do you have a pic from when u started WW?x
Here's one from last time I was in spain cx
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OMG Caz! How different do you look! You should be sooooooo proud of yourself. X
Thanks Hun, hoping hair will help on my 1lb loss mon! I'm going to be sooo cross if I don't get it cx
Caz there is some amount of change you sud be sooooo proud of yourself can't believe you went for the chop it really suits you is the back very short? X
Im starting to love the new hair! Think it will look better when I do it myself in the morning cx


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You're gonna do just fine on Monday Caz, remember to trust Aunty Serena ;-) What do you have planned for the weekend with your lovely girls? X
Morning hun, I have to work this morning, then gym for an hour then after that chillax! If weather's good I will get garden ready for new grass otherwise just pack maybe cx

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Morning hun, I have to work this morning, then gym for an hour then after that chillax! If weather's good I will get garden ready for new grass otherwise just pack maybe cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app

When do you go? Bet you're gonna enjoy packing all those fab new clothes! X Don't work too hard x
Lol I won't! Lying here thinking if only I could go back to sleep I could squeeze in an hr! But sure that'd never happen when I've the chance grrr, kids fast asleep and I've a babysitter coming here so in no rush cx

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Lol I won't! Lying here thinking if only I could go back to sleep I could squeeze in an hr! But sure that'd never happen when I've the chance grrr, kids fast asleep and I've a babysitter coming here so in no rush cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app

Awwwww bless, who do you use for babysitting? X
A young girl the child minder recommended, she's just finished her gcse exams and is a youth leader at church! Very easily paid too, kids seem to like her so all good so far! This time next week we will be on the way to the airport! A a a aaaaaaahhhhhhhh

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A young girl the child minder recommended, she's just finished her gcse exams and is a youth leader at church! Very easily paid too, kids seem to like her so all good so far! This time next week we will be on the way to the airport! A a a aaaaaaahhhhhhhh Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app

Gonna miss u Caz! Will expects lots of holiday pics on your return! X
Hey all, were good thanks and had a lovely weekend! Been out for a big walk over town to get new trainers as I washed and tumbled dried mine and have them ruined oops! Big blister on my foot from wearing them to the gym yest! Not long back and now sitting out in the garden as weather is fab today!

Just had a bowl of grapes and strawberries and planning chicken pittas qnd salad for dinner roll on wi :)

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