I will be a Princess!
Evening honey! How are you? I hope you've had a lovely day! Xx
Ok bar packing list is done!! Wonderful what a bit of pressure does!
Just getting sophie into bed then I'd love a big vod, tea will have to do :/
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Morning hun, yes work again todaylol o could do with a holiday 3 SLEEPS lol! Cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Working till 4.45 on friJust left my friend doing my grass in the garden soo excited to get home to see it! Would like to be off to perv at him doing it cause he is gorgeous lol! Bootcamp is my plan this evening, least no great pressure to get loads of stuff done cause we are pretty much good to go! Roll on sat cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Hey ladies the hunk is gorgeous really lovely and been flat out flirty all day lol watch this space! Grass is amazing too, Bootcamp was awful, lol suppose it's not supposed to be nice! I could have went a boke after On a plus two days at work to go AND 3 sleeps yay cx 70.5lbs down, 19 to go !!!
This is 'elite' grass turf so should be no weeds for this year I hope! How handy to just lay it and really reasonably priced suppose cheaper as I got it put down for nothingToday's plan is to struggle through to 4.45 as im in holiday mode so really can't be bothered home dinner then my friend is coming over to wax my bikini ready then another friends coming over so I can do her eyebrows and eyelash tint as she's going on hols and we're meeting up in benidorm! Then as it's holiday mode might partake in a vod or five! 2 SLEEPS LOL CX 70.5lbs down, 19 to go !!!
Lol pattern! !! I'm happy enough with just a standard, patterns might take too long ouch! I'm getting arm pits legs and bikini, I don't mind it same time you never love it!
70.5lbs down, 19 to go !!!