Never mind that my pizza is amazing! Thin crust tesco own it's really lovely! Sack dominos, £1.50 and sooo good lol! Cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Never mind that my pizza is amazing! Thin crust tesco own it's really lovely! Sack dominos, £1.50 and sooo good lol! Cx
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Ha ha too late!
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Lol we were like scavengers! Dinner on a Monday being so much later too! Kit kat is in tge fridge giggle cx
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Lol oh it so should! Granted not all chocolate but kit kat does! It was amazing, next treat will be an ice cream in espana cx Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
4 sleeps yay!!!!! Lol right today's a new day., back to business after treat last night! I've so ooo much to do before hols
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4 sleeps yay!!!!! Lol right today's a new day., back to business after treat last night! I've so ooo much to do before hols
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Oh shez ill be well jel when you go! Cx
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Lol oh def, what a hassle holidays are! Ha, im sure ill manage! I have to go water mum and dads plants after work, steal dads trailer so my friend can pick up my new grass tomorrow, level soil out for my friend to lay grass, start packing, clean the house, do a load of washing find time to wash kids and throw them into bed never mind make dinner! Worry about it later lol, it will all just happen hopefully! Will post some snaps of my almost finished garden tomorrowSent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app