Crazy life of Chilli

31 days done, 50 to go. Not been doing any gratitude posts lately

extra grateful for my friends
massively grateful that HOPEFULLY my friend struggling with a break up has sold their house
grateful at feeling excitement for my creativity again and getting a fair bit done this week!

I know that feeling @ladybird777 lol, but I've decided to start to commit to only a small selection of things every week, with the freedom to change it up the next week. That way I should get a few of 1 thing done at least! With a view to doing a video on friday or saturday and having everything listed for sale on FB over the weekend. So this week is things including my christmas image, and 2 types of teacher gift I have in mind.

Having said that - plan A for lip balm pouches has been... unsuccessful. I've given up on that particular design after several attempts that just weren't what I planned. This happens - it's all part of research and development. Plan B is about to commence but I don't have a lot of time today.

I'm heading up to visit my parents, but also I'm going to be getting rid of a bunch of stuff. One of my parents friends and carers is starting anew (long story) she's basically moving in to a flat with only a sofa and a bed. Now I don't have a lot I could give anyone that's useful - but I asked if she might like our christmas tree and decorations as our old one is too big for the space we now 'live' in. She was apparently really excited when my Mum asked her, because she hasn't really got the cash to buy things like that and is now looking forwards to christmas knowing she can decorate. How lovely is that? I also have a small tv and some curtains so popping them all along for her. These things have been sitting needing to be put on facebook for sale for ages, I'm rubbish at things like this and happy for her to have them.

So many people have helped me over the years in so many ways, it's nice to be able to give a little back, paying it forward in some ways, when I can.

So anyways, I need to dig out everything that's going, pack the car, then make the trip (it's just over an hour away) have our visit, then we're going food shopping on the way home, finally dropping off my daughter at her boyfriends house before coming home. Son is in the after school club to give me the time needed. I'm hoping to rustle up a tester of Plan B for lipbalm gift before we go! then I'll need to be busy tonight really making a batch of them in 2 sizes (hopefully)

Thought I'd posted this- apparently not lol.

Also attaching pic of the blind :) did I mention I made it? Can't remember. Anyway all stuff is sitting in hallway ready to go so I'm off to pack the car and head off.

Have a good day :)
It can fold up one more section but I like this length. Flip it down at night and stops my son being scared of the lights and shadows the trees cast through the window :)
Lovely blind, really pretty pattern - and go you, what a lovely gesture to help out the other lady.

I support a charity with PR work and the woman who runs it is a bit (lot) ADHD, but it's so worth it, i find it really rewarding.
Aww that is so kind that you are letting the lady have your Christmas tree and decorations. It makes all the difference being able to trim up at Christmas even if you don't have much else. Love the blind. It is really pretty.
the blind looks lovely!

That's the thing sometimes when you don't have much, the non necessities (like xmas deccys) don't get bought and it can bring such joy to have them up :)

Have a great wee run about. x
the picture doesn't really show the colours well on the blind, it's got blues and kind of russet colours. I've loads more of that fabric and might make cushions but worried the crazy furball might eat them.

As for helping the lady - well as I've said many people have been just as kind to me when I've needed it. I'm grateful to be in the position I now am where I don't really need much.

I had macdonalds today, and 2 food packs, and a lovely visit.

I need to get some sewing done tonight.
32 days gone, 49 to go (39%) although I've not had my best diet week, and have definitely not been 100%, but never more than about 1000 I think so we will see what happens.

I made 6 x little lip balm pouches, with keyring and one of my teeny angel cards attached. I'll make another 2, and then just see how they sell. I can always order more lip balms. I've got little Origami gift bags I've made, which will each have a small crystal in, another angel card, and little origami lucky stars (I'm about to sit watching tv making stars lol. I also have origami envelopes to sell with teeny cards too. Tomorrow I need to decide which kind of pouch to make for the hand creams, originally I thought I may make keychains for them as well, but I think they might be too big, so may just do little zippy pouches for those.

I'm really pleased (finally) with the lip balm ones.

I'd hoped as usual to be further on, but this is where we are. I can get a bit more done tomorrow and hopefully do a video on Sunday for FB and get it all up for sale. I guess we will see!

Grateful that today was a 'good dementia' day for my Dad.
Grateful to be able to help my parents friend.
Grateful for my craft room.
I thought I'd posted a pic, I'm so bad for that haha. I was sat up late last night watching a movie folding the teeny origami stars for my crystal gifts. I can make about 30/hour if I do it non stop :cool:

I've decided on the bags to make for the creams, I made some little boxy zippy pouches a while back and they're perfect if I just make them a little longer, so that is the job for this afternoon. Just about to get busy.
they are adorable!!! The bee one is very cute.
love the tags on them too. How much are you selling them for?

Totally NOT laughing about forgetting to post a pic.. glad I'm not the only one that's been derping this week.

Did the stapler turn up yet?
they are adorable!!! The bee one is very cute.
love the tags on them too. How much are you selling them for?

Totally NOT laughing about forgetting to post a pic.. glad I'm not the only one that's been derping this week.

Did the stapler turn up yet?
thanks I'm trying to work out the prices. I find it hard pricing. I'm thinking maybe £4.50 for the lip balm ones, and £5.50 for the hand cream ones. Do you think they're worth that? I've decided not to box the corners of the zippy ones, left flat they'd be big enough for a card/cash. The stapler from amazon turned up yes, but I'm guessing you mean the missing one and nope haha

thanks @ladyfelsham I've actually really enjoyed getting back to my sewing etc. It's been a fun week, even if not as productive as I planned.

Well all this week pretty much I've eaten a few things I shouldn't and today is no exception. So I've decided that now I'm having tonight and tomorrow 'off' exante pressures. I think if I keep trying to get back into it when I'm clearly craving some normality it could go on forever like this, so I'm going to have this small break, not go crazy, accept the consequences, and get back to exante hopefully on Monday.

I actually think the flapjacks and cookies perhaps have made me want normal food, so perhaps I need to be careful with those. But once they're gone they're gone anyway I'm not planning more, I'm just going to stick with soups and shakes.
Here's the hand cream pouches. They'll have a wee angel tag too


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ooooo love them too. would a (small) hand sanitiser bottle fit in there too? and maybe a mask folded? (marketing idea for use after hand cream)

price of all materials (inc shipping / going to pick them up) + time for making AND potion some time for designing :)

I'll annoy you Monday and make sure you are back on track. If you are struggling, reach out, can always give you a call somewhere and talk it thru if that helps x
yes I think they'd fit a hand sanitiser bottle, I've been thinking about it too - I also make face masks (yeah shock huh? lol) so I'm thinking I want OUR teacher gift to be something I'm not selling, incase someone in my sons class buy from me, so I'm planning on one of the zipper pouches filled with some sweets and a fun mask for my sons teachers. They would fit a few pieces of make up, card and cash, dog poo bags...

I've made a bunch today, but my back is starting to ache so I'm calling it a night. I've not spent ALL day in craft room I've been out and in with my son and dog to feed, play with etc. I think to finish the half finished pile will take about an hour, I should definitely be at the point of doing a video tomorrow showing what I have to offer.

In the world of craft it's hard to charge appropriately unless you have a huge following, and I don't (yet). However I have several people who keep coming back for more masks, they say mine fit better than others.

What I aim for is about £9/ hour for how long they take to make, + materials. I charge on top for postage if needed but a lot of my trade is local pick ups. I don't charge for the research and development time at the moment. I keep a spreadsheet on my laptop so I don't take any time to do 'book keeping' either as every time I buy something or take money in I pop it straight on there. If I'm asked to do alterations etc I try to think how long it will take and charge £9/hr. Minimum £4.50 so even if it takes 10 mins I charge 4.50. I know I could charge more, but I suffer from impostors syndrome haha. I have no qualifications in it. However I come from a long line for fine sewists. My great great grandma made whale bone corsets (I'm fascinated by corsets they're definitely on my list) my Gran used to make ball gowns and mens suits, and my mother made wardrobes full of clothes, my wedding dress and a couple of bridesmaids dresses. It's in my blood. I don't remember being taught how to sew, but it was so natural when I started making things.

I know it's not a great business model at the moment, but I see the next few years as a big experiment, it's all research really, finding out what sells, what prices work etc. I honestly have a shocking amount of ideas. I am full of creative potential! Things like these teacher gifts won't be huge profit, but the way I see it, you build one customer at a time. Every time a new person is exposed to my work they will see if my stuff suits them, every new facebook 'like' helps to cast a wider net. I think the secret for the success I want lies in slowly building an audience and repeat customer base.

I do have some higher value ideas - I make handbags and hats, I plan to start doing one unique item per month and popping that on for a higher price. I charge a bit more for bespoke things too.

My finances aren't likely to much change over the next 4 years, and I earn what I need with my care shifts. So I can afford to throw time at this and enjoy myself rather than feel any pressure.

well I'm off to cosy up in my beddie, watch something on tv and make more stars... lol

Grateful as always for my cosy house and EMPTY bed. Otherwise I'd have no room for my paper craft box lol
grateful for my dog who is flaked out on the sofa beside me
grateful, SO grateful, for how far I've come this year. I'm actually really proud of myself.
grateful, SO grateful, for how far I've come this year. I'm actually really proud of myself.

💕 you should be!

As for business, run it at your own pace :)
So many people don't appreciate not only the time to create something but the time to learn and practice your skill.
I've done work in 3d graphic design and web design and completely understand the imposter syndrome thing but had to get over it and get paid what I deserved. I worked hard to learn and develop my skills off my own back when I was stuck at home with (then) little kids as a single mum :)
So yup...I am quite vocal about being paid what you are worth and I strongly advise small business to charge with time AND skill factored in.
I also try and buy from these business' when I can :)
I will make more profit in printing probably @GLL, with the art print there is the initial time in the painting, but once the file is on my computer, I print to order, obviously I have to consider the paper, ink and mounts. they only take 5 minutes to add the mount and package up. I don't time a print, because once it's started I do other stuff. I have a higher margin on printed things.

I try to think what I'd pay for things, and it is usually more than I charge lol. I have decided to charge a little more than I suggested above tho.

Lip balm pouches £5 inc lip balm
hand cream ones £6.50 inc hand cream
hand folded paper gift pouch with hand folded stars, a crystal and a laminated card £4
hand folded origami envelope with laminated card £1.25

£9.50, £14.50 and £19.50 for mounted prints of the angel painting in A5, A4 and A3 (these are my usual prices for all mounted prints)

A3 poster print £3.75, A4 poster print £3, again those are my usual prices
I saw the fb post with them all :)

did you know the BEE hand cream pouch will fit my new diaBEEtes blood glucose test stuffs ;) Almost like it is meant to BEE muahahaha. (sent you a fb message to order one)